Why does it seem so hard for some members to find the vote button. We know who you are.

in #steemit7 years ago

I am seeing this more and more every time, its not what Steemit is about OR maybe you don't know about it.

You come to Steemit to:

Write your own posts,
Read other members posts
Comment on that post.
Vote on other members posts.
When you do this those members will usually come and return the favour.

If you don't follow these then members are going to ignore your posts, you are supposed to vote, that's how Steemit works. Oh and we can check if you have voted, we know when you have just commented. This isn't good.

Pressing the vote button couldn't be easier, really it only takes a second, it then gives the poster a little bit of earnings.

If you need extra help, this is what you are looking for. The green arrow, once click and your done.


If you can't vote for us why then should we come and check you out. Its Simple.

Thank you @son-of-satire


Thanks for raising this issue, @karenb54, because I've been wondering what's up too. Wasn't sure if it was better to vote seldom so that the vote held weight or as often as I like a post. Was holding back, but based on this, I will vote as often as I feel is deserved. Thanks for clarifying!

You are welcome :)

I think it's funny how we all have thousands of followers yet only the few faithful vote lol Happy Valentines hug my sweet friend, I hope you get all the chocolates and warm hugs in the world today! And of course you'll always have my upvote <3

Your a gem thank you.you always get my vote too..:) If members voted like there supposed to we would all be better off.

I simply can't vote for everybody. I don't have 500 SP yet (soon :) so I can use the slider. I comment on maybe 30 per day and should only vote 10. It is just a choice I have to make. I get that it looks bad and I feel like a piker, but the ugly reality is that I just can't.

And I'd rather say when I like a post and look like a piker than just read it and move on. The whole truth with me at this stage is that comments mean a lot more to me than the 0.001 vote.

Like Karen & Adam have both said in replies to you - it's not about the money, it's about showing respect. The Catch 22 for you is if you make the choice to look like a piker, it can turn round and bite you in the bum. It's better not to comment, or at least to explain you are out of voting power, than risk being flagged. Because people are checking now.

We have all been there, a vote is still a vote. Its not always about the 0.001 you give its about voting. The slider comes to us all. Its best to vote or you will get flagged :)

See - someone told me today I should stop voting so much. I basically said the same thing as you @karenb54 - a vote is a vote. At .001 or .005 or .01 is it really a huge difference? I'd rather let 30-40 people a day know I read their content and liked it than be stingy with votes that are almost worthless anyway.

That's the way it works, as your power grows so does your vote. The Simple thing is it's a voting site how else are you supposed too grow on here :)

When I was brand new I assumed tags was the only way to really grow lol.. I actually gave up on Steemit for a while because I didn't "get it". But then when I gave it another shot I looked for some tutorials and went to people with bigger reputations and found lots of helpful content and advice.

Never give up on Steemit. Keep going :)

If you vote from busy.org, which has all of your Steemit stuff on it including your feed, you can go to the settings and there is a slider you can use, even if you don’t have much SP.

That's good to know thank you :)

haha I love this! I always see posts on my pages telling me that they love my page and to look at their page. but when I check to see if they voted they usually haven't.

Its annoying, there are lots of ways to find out. Its not going to work if members don't use it properly :)

it is soo annoying lol! But I guess its something we have to deal with. Sadly.

We speak up or flag them, there loss of they cant play right :)

Yeah I hate to flag people. I only have ever done it once.

That's why i write this post first then if nothing changes the flags will come out lol :)

Same here. It's a quick and fairly good way to find spam comments.

I just wish that flagging never used up voting power. I only have so much as a minnow!

Write a post first warning your followers. It will help jog there memory lol

I might just have to do this one day hahah!

becuse if u post nice post...members automatic will vote you...by the way this is good so i give you up vote...

Thank you, some don't some will not vote hoping you will go vote for there's :)

I like the idea of Steemit being a little bit based in gift culture. But I am an idealist. ;)

We can all help each other if the site is used how it should be, you never know it might work lol :)


The most unpleasant thing is when someone writes that he likes post, but does not vote. The motive is so obvious that it looks ... indecent ....

Sly and crafty but they are the losers. :)

Re-steemed Karen - Love this! It is so annoying!

Its the one thing that really winds me up on here. Thanks hun much appreciated :)

I heard you! What sup with all that people leaving comments but not upvoting your post? Right?!
I don’t get it!

Neither do I, they want us to how vote them thinking we dont know, gets me all wound up lol :)

That is exactly what I thought! Bs

Thanks for pointing this out, I've noticed quite a few positive comments/replies left on my posts that aren't accompanied by an upvote, glad to hear I'm not the only one seeing this phenomenon.

Its annoying, a simple vote is so easy to do. Hopefully this might stir some if them up :)

It's kind of a basic code of conduct, disappointing people does not bind to it. Resteemed and following you. Thanks

I appreciate that thank you :)

Haha, it's actually really easy to do, which is why I usually hit people up about it, but don't flag, just in case it was a genuine error. I read your post, read the comments, put my 2c worth in on a comment, then thought "oh, did I vote?" Scroll back up.... Ooops.

Haha oops i have done yet before but like you it was a genuine mistake, it's when it happens on every single post. Do they think we are stupid lol

They think we won't check. But we do now!

You stole my mind, Karen. I have been reading people's posting. Verily giving my opinion about them. Request them to upvote my post only if they find it intriguing, but they don't. They forget that they've started from the bottom too. They should help newbies. This was an important post. :)

Thank you. You should never ask for votes they will come as you vote for others. Being flagged isn't nice. A vote is a vote whatever its worth :)

Thank you for your advice, Karen. I will keep that in mind. :)

I agree with you Karen. It's getting annoying now. I used to just click the upvote on all the comments (other than the bland 'nice post' ones of course) but now I got and check they've voted before I do that and it feels scummy that I have to check.

It is annoying having to check who has voted for you. Then when they leave a message saying they liked the post arghhh it gets me so angry

When they comment without a vote I try to explain why it is not a wise idea and include Kiwidebs post.
any repeat comments from most of them have included a vote, so the idea seems to be working.

see what you think, give KiwiDeb a shout if you think it will work.A little while ago @kiwideb did a useful "how to" post that I resteemed so I could find it again. (https://steemit.com/etiquette/@kiwideb/dolphinschool-students-some-extra-tips-for-you-and-other-new-steemians]

I remember that post, that should pop up every time someone opens a post then doesn't vote :)

You are right, Karen. It is annoying for them not vote and only comment if it is a spamming type of comment. If they don't have voting power and they really do like your post then perhaps they comment that they have no votes but write telling you what the enjoyed about your post. I do get tired of the spamy stuff...

I usually just ignore them, never reply but its getting out of hand now. Something needs doing about it.

I remind people often to vote its a little silly because we get rewarded for voting but they complain about not having SP...well vote then and you will gain SP!? lol @karenb54

Dont you get sick of repeating yourself :)

Oh yes I do but sometimes someone listens to the advice @karenb54

Weirder things have happened :)

Well done my friend. A comment is always nice too. Thanks for saying what we all feel.🐓🐓

Thank you for visiting :)

Oh hell yeah ! I love this so much ! Can't stand people going "Amazing post, really loved it !", I check the upvotes and NOTHING. Their comment is upvoted, of course...

Love this, needed this. Haha

Thank you. Have a grand day ! :)

Thank you, think we are all annoyed at this :)

For me it's simple, if you are going to comment you must vote, even if it is only 5% or whatever. And I check.

Exactly. Voting helps everyone :)