Hi Rebecca, it is a very nice post you have compiled here!
In order to receive notifications about mentions, new follows etc, I am using both steem.rocksguide by @emrebeyler and the @ginabot by @neander-squirrel
I have been thinking of using busy.org that actually has done some great enhancements but I feel too comfortable in steemit at the moment :)
Also, there are times I am checking http://steemocean.com/ created by @ura-soul and a rather useful tool is also > http://www.steemreports.com/account-votes/ where you can see anything you want about incoming or outgoing votes.
I hope they will be useful for you!
I was going to write the same things (steemocean and steemreports). So up you go :D
http://www.steemreports.com is much more ample and it can give huge analytics and organic growth indicators.
haha, totally agree :)
I guess that birds of a feather .. do flock together
Thanks for sharing...I haven't heard of any of those. I'll definitely be using steem.rocks!
I keep hearing about Busy, but I am really just getting comfortable with the Steemit layout.