Steemit Comments’ Etiquette; A Synopsis & Personal Approach by @katerinaramm

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Steemit is a blogging and social networking platform where not only blog posts but also comments are very important for its content.

If you keep an eye on steemit statistics (I usually check the reports published by @penguinpablo) you will see that on a daily basis there is an approximate average of 75.000 posts with an average of 2.5 comments per post.

This makes an impressive ~187.500 comments only in the blockchain on a daily basis.

For instance for the day February 8 2018, all posts (including comments) were 245.025. Out of which 74.987 were the posts and the remaining 170.038 (69%) were comments on posts.

Out of all the comments + posts, 31% of them were blog posts, while the remaining 69% (or 7 out of 10) were comments to posts.

Comments are very important for people who participate in the platform. When you comment in a kind and/or thoughtful way, you can make new friends, people might get interested in checking your blog and they could follow you or you can get upvoted and be rewarded.

Comments, same as hashtags have their etiquette and guidelines.
Commenting (just like many other things) it has to do with good behavior and respect to the other part.

Please read below for my full analysis.

This post aims to:

  • Educate (myself and) my friends regarding everything that has come to my attention regarding the Comments’ Etiquette
  • Inform anyone that might be following and commenting me of how I deal with comments
  • Gather any additional information readers of this post would like to share or comment

A. Let’s see some frequently asked questions about comments.

All the below information are in the Steemit FAQs unless stated otherwise.

Q. What is considered spam or abuse?

Asking for money, views, upvotes, follows, or resteems.
Leaving nearly identical or materially similar comments on multiple posts.
Comments that are unrelated to the topic of discussion.
• Sending unsolicited links or requests to users via wallet memos.
Posts that require upvotes to enter or play in a contest or game.
Sending users a link to your blog or a post if it is not relevant to the conversation.
Posts or comments that include little or nothing more than an offer to trade follows or upvotes.
• Using tags that are unrelated to the post.
• Threatening users with any type of physical violence.
Not citing sources when using someone else’s material.
• Posting ‘not safe for work’ content without using the “nsfw” tag.
• Selling or offering to buy votes/resteems/follows, or schemes that facilitate this.
• Scams or Fraudulent offers.

Q. Does it cost anything to post, comment, or vote?

No. It is free to post, comment, and vote on content on You might even get paid for it!

Q.How often can I comment?

There is a 20 second wait time in between comments to limit spam.

Q. Where do I report a post or comment that contains plagiarism, spam, or abuse?

You can report any abusive content to the #steemitabuse channel on
(Author’s Addition – please let me know if there is more to added: or Discord > or Chat >

Q. Are there any accounts monitoring spam comments?

I have seen @spaminator and I recently found the @mack-bot flagging spammers who abuse commenting in any way. You can visit their accounts for more information and to check their reports.

To Comment is to Add Value

B. My personal approach: How I deal with comments on my posts.

The first thing I do every time I visit steemit is to check my replies.

I am very happy when someone has posted a reply to my posts (note: every post takes me an average of 3-4 hours so it is nice to see someone is reading)

I enjoy receiving feedback, in a funny or thoughtful way. I always upvote genuine comments.

I do not like random replies that are used in many other posts.

I do not like replies from people who just post the same (or similar) replies in other posts without bothering to read and/or upvote my post. It is clear that they are commenting to gain attention and they do not care about whatever I have posted.

If you comment think:

  • Do I have something important to share (regarding the post)?
  • Have I read my comment to make sure I have used correct grammar and wording?
  • Have I upvoted the post?

Keep in mind that many (if not most) of the steemit users are monitoring who follows / upvotes / comments / resteems so please

  • Do not lie about upvoting / resteeming. It is extremely easy to see if it is true and you might get downvoted.
  • Do not post random content. It could get you flagged.
  • Do not post so called ‘Hey, you are such a wonderful writer’ without bothering to read / upvote the post.
  • Do not ask for upvotes.
  • Do not post 2 minutes after the author posted a 2000 words post to say “Great work”! How more clear can it be that you did not even read the title?
  • Do not upvote your comment. If it is an honest comment, it will be upvoted by the author and perhaps by other readers.
  • Respect the author’s labor
  • Respect the medium

C. Further reading …

I found out one of the very helpful posts regarding steem-tips in tag #etiquette by @kiwideb who was kind enough to allow me to re-share this photo.

Keep in mind the five C’s
  • Content – Produce quality content, consistently, cautiously
  • Curate – Curate posts that interest you
  • Comment – Do it in a genuine way
  • Community – Read the first 3 Cs
  • Chill – It does take time to build up. Keep trying, Keep enjoying!


Credits to @kiwideb. Thanks so much for allowing me to use!

If you are still reading, you might want to check out this post by @aggroed Aggroed's simple litmus test for self-voting: Does the content provide value to the platform?

If you'd like to see some bad examples of behavior just check out:

I hope you did take the time to read and I hope I will have your feedback in case you would like to correct / add / comment on my post!

Thank you so much for reading! Now let's see some comments regarding comments!

Image credit @tbouras. Shared with permission


Κατερίνα είναι πολύ ενημερωτικό το άρθρο σου. Χαίρομαι που αναφέρεσαι στο περιεχόμενο των σχολίων.
Παρατηρώ πως υπάρχουν τέτοιες θα μπορούσα να πω προσβλητικές αναρτήσεις και από γνωστούς της πλατφόρμας. Το θέμα είναι ότι αγγίζουν τα ορια του προσβλητικού άλλα επειδή μπορεί να έχουν πιο μεγάλο πορτοφόλι να το περνάνε για χιούμορ και να βγάζουν και αρκετά χρήματα απ αυτό μιας και τους ψηφίζουν.
Είναι οικονομική πλατφόρμα άλλα τα χρήματα δεν πρέπει να είναι πιο πάνω από την ανθρώπινες αξίες. Σ ευχαριστώ που μου έδωσες την ευκαιρία να πω την άποψη μου.

Σε ευχαριστώ για τα σχόλιά σου Λίτσα. Είναι ένας από τους λόγους που αποφάσισα να συντάξω αυτό το κείμενο. Θυμώνω με κάποια πράγματα, κάποια εξ αυτών συμβαίνουν σε μένα ή σε άλλους.

Μέσα από εμάς θα έρθει η όποια αλλαγή προς το καλύτερο (ή το χειρότερο)

Υπάρχουν άτομα που κάνουν σχόλια για να αυτοψηφιστούν και διάφορες άλλες ακραίες περιπτώσεις που έχω εντοπίσει και δε θα ήθελα να αναφέρω σε αυτή τη φάση...

Σε ευχαριστώ και πάλι, Καλημέρα!

Δυστηχως συμβαινει πολυ συχνα παντου αυτο στο internet αρα γινετε και εδω, Τελικα η λυση ειναι να τα αγνωουμαι και να δυναμονουμαι αυτους που αξιζουν

Thanks for all of this. I did read everything including comments up to this reply.

I wish there was a way to directly give a "paying" upvote to older content you find of value.
Is there a steem tipping bot or something I can use?

Since there isn't yet, at least I'm ignorant of one, reply back and I will upvote that.


Hi @meanbees,

Thank you for your kind comment .. Actually it (the 7 days window) was my thought exactly in the beginning but as time passes then you understand it is totally understandable. (Imagine an infinite reward pool!)

When I search for something steemit related, I often discover articles of 1-2 years old and authors I did not know before.

Regarding your question for 'tipping' or 'paying upvote' there are many options that you can use (not for me but if you wish to say thanks to someone)

I will be mentioning, as they are not clear (especially to newest users)

  1. You can send / transfer to someone even a small amount of 0.01 Steem and include a memo with your message
  2. You can upvote a recent post of theirs and comment on it if you would like to explain the 'why'

Again thanks for visiting, and you may find something you would like to know at a collection of useful links I created a few weeks back!

Thank you.

Steemit is a community and as such it's unavoidable to have people that don't respect rules and/or other people... It is up to the platform (the collective consciousness of its people) to eliminate these behaviors.
Your overall work is contributing to this consciousness positively and I am glad you were one of the first people that I got connected ιν here :)
Keep up the good work bro όπως λέει και ο Ηλίας :))

Sure bro, thanks!!! :))))

nice post bro . upsteemed , you do now.

This post is saved for future reference.

I really liked how you broke this down into very manageable bites. I am new and learning. I am trying to grow in my writing and content. I do try to use what I am learning but struggle a bit on the social aspect of steemit. I am working on this by joining in on the steemitchat as well as I joined the discord site. I am struggling with the whole bot thing. Many encourage them and I see the rewards of others that are using them. I myself am trying to gain friends and followers the more organic way. Not sure I am doing very well yet but like anything it takes time and effort. So thank you for this post I did upvote and resteemit.

Welcome to steemit and thank you for dropping by : )
It is a good thing that you are trying to learn. Growing organically might be slower but trust me it is worth it. To follow or to be followed by random people will not get you anywhere.
I also do not understand why I should pay for instance a resteem bot in order to resteem my post to (I do not know who) followers.
I prefer my posts to be seen by people interested in what I write, the ones that can genuinely comment on what I have posted.
I am not sure about the 'bots' issue, to be honest I have never used one and I do not plan to in the near future. If I may suggest something, try to post better content around the subjects you will enjoy. Commenting in a thoughtful and honest way is a great way too (for organically growing) : )
I wish you the best, I will be happy to help if you have any questions!

The sadness is that the one who
indiscriminately comments
without reading the posts
will not benefit from this post!
But it has very important pieces
to complete his knowledge
of the one who respects his block
and wants to be dignified!
Thanks for sharing! :)

Yes, I agree and I have put a lot of thought regarding it;
However it may educate a few people searching in the platform
Also, many similar posts did help me a lot when I first joined
Additionally, when I write such pieces, they help me to get better and to learn more things while researching
And of course another happiness I receive, is the comments by people I respect and so ..
Dear @onart, thank you very much for dropping by and commenting, I appreciate it :)

haha i still remember a post that needed at least 5 minutes for someone to read and i received at 26 sec after i uploaded it ''great post very informative'' :P haha at least guys if you don't wanna read it wait a bit longer, don't make it that easy :P

λοολ, yes! I see it happen very often with the stories of @ruth-girl!
Thx for stopping by :)

Katerina kalimera... katapliktiko..

Ευχαριστώ Νίκο!

really good post for us we are new here and want to learn things from more experienced people here so go on with this kind of posts and for sure u will make many people are new better coz sometimes its seems we are droped in an ocean an try to find something to catch up . these kind of posts make the community beter and hope u be reward ed about it

My reason to comment is to interact with the author has something to teach me or at the end of the comversation to communicate with people are posting interesting things

I really like this post katerinaramm!

Thank you, good luck with your project too!

Thank you for visiting and commenting!