
you deserve the the "bad-ass mofo" trophy of the week for this, bro. :-)

I wanted to include the Post. Vote. Earn, but figured out that'll be a little too much.. maybe a small lil flyer printout next time :D lol

Congratulations on the success of this event. Looks like an awesome night and you don't have to worry about any "roughness around the edges"! Love the projection of the steemit logo during the intermissions. That will get the message out and no mistake!!

It felt like we were using duct tapes to bootstrap the event xD Plenty of stuff learned organizing event - it wasn't as easy as it seems.. but it's kinda fun!

I can totally understand, I used to be in a band and sometimes even the set up and organising of a night with a couple of other bands on the bill could be quite tortuous and that pales in comparison to the size of task you had there. Duct tape never lets you down right enough!!!

Wow this is really exciting and promising. Major props for offering to share your business practices, the music industry needs more people willing to do that.

We're planning to maintain a small core team with minimal overheads. And we're backed up by the Steemit network of talents! Thanks for dropping by a good word :)

Wow. Kevin you are a real action taker.
Really a great idea and event.
Greetings to your friends too.
Follow You :-)

Cheers buddy :D Used to perform for events but now seeing a different game with event organization - it's pretty awesome getting people together to work things out :)

Event organization is pretty cool with a lot of fun. Espacially if the event is successful ;-)
Much success to you with your next projects :-)

Oh yea definitely better if there are people comin' to the event :D. Much thanks brother! Appreciate it!

great initiative !

You could sell tickets for STEEM only and make it an exclusive event.
That could promote STEEM as a currency.

Looks like it was a killer success! Great photos too. I'm assuming that's the biggest Steemit logo display thus far. :)

I know nothing about partymaking, but it looks like your planning something for Mumbai. I'll be there, whenever that happens!

Pretty sure someone's gonna try to Batman-spotlight Steemit! lol
Yes, I think I'm flying over to India to seal some deals next month :) Perhaps we can even meet up!

Awesome, would love to! I bet you'll be first to that Steembat signal :)

Sounds like you guys were having fun! A fantastic idea of promoting Steemit, very original, well done!!

This is absolutely amazing Kevin !!! I wish I could have been there and dance. I am trying to contact our sponsor contacts for Indonesia . Can you send a pdf proposal per email ?

Thanks @mammasitta! There are more events in planning :) Sure, where can I send it to?

I send my email per FB or you find it
Can't promise but I got an idea

I hope you can bring @kevinwong to Indonesia, so steemian in Indonesia can see and enjoy the show..... Salam kenal mammasita :)

apa kapar @happyphoenixy yes yes , saya tahu itu akan menjadi begitu besar. mungkin saya dapat membantu untuk mewujudkannya

Let's see some steem booty!

That looks like it was an amazing party, got to visit one of those parties one day.

Tweeted ! the way you are promoting Steemit is awesome, this is very cool @kevinwong .

The turnout was kinda unexpected as there was a last-minute party thrown by the biggest club in the city.. Thanks man! Appreciate it!

Nice, you are creative, keep going on. I know about you from @donkeypong post... nice

Thanks for dropping by a good word @happyphoenix! Hope the guide proved useful!

Congratulations on a successful event! Looks like you had an awesome party there bro! I hope to make it to the next one! :D

Awesome, I was waiting for this when you announced it a few weeks ago. Looks like it all went smoothly.

Great LED show!

Yea there was a windfall of walk-in customers :D thanks for the support brother, appreciate it!

Niceee!!! when the steemit music event will be in Argentina? !!

Love this

That's awesome! Great pictures too. Kudos for exploring ways steem and the real economy can interface. :)

Awesome job I can see big things happening for you in Steemit...@kbargold

That's a great event, @kevingwong . Greetings from Buenos Aires!

•♥•☆ @alitas •☆•♥•

looked awesome -well done

WOW! You are amazing guys!

Great post kevin thank you

I was just going to follow and I realized I've been following you already.. hehe

Great initiative, it's looks amazing btw!

Congratulations my friend! Keep 'em coming!