Mother,oh Mother!!

in #steemit7 years ago

The pains, oh the are numerous. From the discomfort of frequent toilet trips, to the terrible stretch mark and then the back aches, the breathtaking labour, the literally painful anticipation and then finally the delivery. Despite all this I am still a hundred percent sure that 99% of mothers will still choose to be mothers in their next life.
But you see when we talk about motherhood,the first thing that come to mind is all the joy and pleasure that comes with it,but there is really more. Thankfully for every pain they experience, there is a great joy to balance it. To all the mum, the reality is this:your kids will make you cry, hurt you and break your heart into a thousand pieces but then also they will fill your heart with so much joy and love you could never possibly imagine.
The love and joy so large that it covers all the pain you could possibly feel. Right from the point they were born :the first smile, the first cry, even their first attempt to call momma, the way they hold onto your pinky when walking to the shop, how the say "I love you" in garbled words. I mean there is no feeling that can be exchanged for when a mother looks into the eyes of her baby and see how much the baby looks to her to support all its needs..
To all mothers out there please be the best mothers your children could possibly ask for and to the aspiring mothers do hot be afraid, be strong. Your children are never fatherless,God is their father and to us the children obey your parents for this Is right honour your father and mother that it may go well with you and that your life may be long(Epheaians 6:1_3)
I love you so much mum!!!