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RE: The Pot Calling the Steemit Kettle Black - Theft From the Rewards Pool!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

Sorry, I try not to leave links on other's post to prevent from being considered a spammer or shiller..

But since you asked :D

Here is a link to My Blogs on Publish0x, it also includes my ref link which gives me these advantages if you sign up under me (I have only one other ref so far but many times where I talk about publish0x, I don't drop a ref link):

-Earn 5% of every tip claimed by the audience you bring in. (so that would be you I am bringing in) (DOES NOT take away from your tip earnings, this is a bonus paid to me from Publish0x whenever you tip or get tipped)
-Access to paid/bountied articles first. (I need more refs)
-Free featured article placements. (Will need more refs)

I'm just wanting to be transparent with that.

Now I will see how good I can sell it?! [This is long, sorry! but I'm going to use some of this in a post I plan to write about it]
I'm also writing this for others who may come across it. I just had to really explain some things because I find on-boarding anywhere is easier when you understand basic things

Publish0x is a platform where authors and readers can grow a following and be rewarded for both creating and reading.
It's the people reading your post who decide to tip (or not) - every reader (with a logged in account) can choose to tip the author a minimum of 20% up to maximum 100% of the tip reward from the reward pool.
(Reward pool is free and paid for by sponsors such as Brave Browser, which means BAT is one of the rewards we can currently earn from tips)

Here's the great thing,
say you made an amazing article I really enjoyed reading, my account is also an author account but maybe I haven't posted myself in awhile so instead of giving you the whole 100% tip, I might decide to tip you 90% which means I get tipped the additional 10% just for being your reader! Tips hit your wallet (and mine) the moment I press 'Tip' - Cha Ching! $

let's say I came across an article that introduced me to a great blockchain game. It's the first article I've read about it but the post is very short and written horribly, I can tell the author didn't proof read and doesn't care.. So I might decide to tip them the minimum 20% and take the additional 80% for myself because I am only tipping them for introducing me to the game - the quality of their post was not worth more than a minimum tip in my opinion. (Or maybe I decided to save my tip for another post and not tip at all - but I'll leave them a comment instead!) -
Tips are anonymous, but we can see a breakdown of earnings per post as well as the number of readers per post.

Here's the mechanics behind tipping
(very basic and not official, in my own words):

As readers, we get 6 tips we can do a day. There is a cooldown between each tip and a longer cooldown between tips to the same author (I have to wait I believe 10 minutes between each tip and can tip the same author once every 24 hours)

My first tip of the day will be worth the most.
Let's assume I'm tipping 100% to the author for all 6 of my tips in the day, it would go something like this:
(These numbers are complete examples by the way)

So my first tip of the day is worth 2.5 BAT (if it was a 50%/50% tip, that 2.5 BAT gets split down the middle, 1.75 BAT to author and 1.75 BAT to reader)
My second tip would then only be worth 1.9 BAT, third might be worth 0.75 BAT
Fourth 0.5 BAT, then 0.05 BAT for the 5th and my last tip of the day is worth almost nothing at 0.011 BAT .. Pure examples but it works like that, and of course the value is divided based on the percentage the tipper chooses to tip (remember, minimum 20% always to author)

Also, there are a few other tokens in the pool, all 6 of my tips would not be in BAT..

Basically, the sponsors for the token decide how much they want to pay the site which decides the percentage that their token will get picked from the tip pool whenever someone tips. Right now we have HYDRO, DAI, Bountyx0 and BAT in the pool. (All ethereum and most good wallets will support adding custom ERC-20 tokens)

Also, the tokens that get to be in the tip pool have to be trade-able (on an exchange) AND with decent liquidity.
I've made 2 withdrawals from Publish0x so far and have had no problem trading my tokens for ETH or other currency on the exchanges I already have been using.

Oh, there's more! One of my FAVOURITE things is that YOUR POSTS NEVER EXPIRE! You can earn tips on your posts for as long as you have them posted on Publish0x! I generally cross-post my STEEMit posts there once they've expired on STEEMit.

The only downsides
(maybe, for some):

  • It is NOT on a blockchain (yet) - might not ever be though, but it's not set in stone.
  • all tips are of Ethereum ERC-20 tokens (so far)
  • we can not yet post on our own domain and can't yet customize post slugs (URL) (I'm at, but can't use - but these are on a further roadmap!
  • post customization is limited
  • limited analytics (another roadmap feature)

Try publish0x for yourself, even as just a reader and earn while following my blogs!

             The rest is not important!

Things are always changing for the better, this platform is still brand new!
The development team has been completely responsive to the community on Telegram! There have been suggestions implemented and even some changes made based on feedback I've personally given them (especially re: dark mode!) so if they would listen to me ( a nobody) they could listen to anybody! They are also not afraid to enter in to discussions with you if they aren't really feeling something you've suggested - sometimes though explaining why you are suggesting it and offering up other use cases for your suggestion might have the team re-considering and maybe even coming up with something better based off your suggestion.. All I am saying is, the site is still very much BETA and growing and changing every day! Join their official Telegram group to have your say! Let them know (politely) why you don't like it if it turns out to be that way.

The site was born with only allowing authors who wrote about Cryptocurrency topics to have an author account and post only crypto related posts - so you will see a heavy focus towards crypto there - however they have opened up and are ready to bring in authors of all different topics, which they have already done aas you see I have 3 blogs all of different topics: crypto, personal-opinions, and a blog strictly for my poetry - All that and more is welcome. Doesn't matter as long as it's your original work and/or you source other people's work.

There are no Wales, everyone's votes are worth the same, I find absolutely NO GREED over there, readers who want to follow and actually read your work becaue they want to see your posts - and meaningful engagement!

I earn much more easily there than I am yet to on STEEMit. Earned from day 1 on my very first post!

I love using both Publish0x and STEEMit for earning as an blogger, they do generally share the same posts in my blogs but I really dislke that posts only really last 7 days here on STEEMit, and I do include my STEEMit post link in the 'resources' section under my post on Publish0x, and a lot of my poetry posts I actually post to Publish0x first and copy to STEEMit later.. Publish0x is still my default 'home'.


Good article. If you have read any of my rants, you know that I was driven away from Steemit because of bullies, specifically that rewards pool rapist Bsanders and his 7 or more clones. If Publish0x is as promising as you describe, I might give it a go. I still publish to my regular blog and occasionally to my YouTube channel. Sorry for the little upvote, but I have powered down to eventually go elsewhere. Maybe I'll catch you on Publish0x. Thanks!