
Downvoted because: ["investments","MONEY","money","vape","lawofattraction","journey","trading","games","hack","politics","steemitx","francais","positivity","blog","art","recipes","extremekingsteemteam","authors","fitness","financial","inflation","vote","funny","marketplace","steem","steemthought","steemiteracuritariae","steemengine","changedlife","hack-alert","expertise","cryptocurrency","sexy","news","investment","fiction","bear","kingtylervvs","steemart","basicincome","steemit","hiking","relationship","steemers","travel","video","writing","blocktrades","life","photography","the-hack","introduceyourself","food","marijuana","bitcoin","pinkfloyd","bittrex","crypto-news"]

And the really uncool spamming of your post in other people's posts. I commented on a similar advertisement in a post's comment:

Hey roelandp I'd like to comment on this promotion of your post. It's very tall, made more so by the unneeded image, which uses more vertical space in a comment section for someone else's post. I don't feel that's fair to whoever's post you place a comment promoting your own post in. You're diverting minds away from this post and into yours.

nobody would ever see it if I didnt spam it. If you dont PERSONALLY know a whale on steemit, good fucking luck. Not saying I blame you, but consider my perspective as I have considered yours @pfunk

You can go about it in a less obnoxious way, including sticking to tags that are on-topic and if you must link your post from other posts, do it from ones with a related topic and don't make it a giant image-filled trainwreck.

It's in my interest to keep Steemit high quality and if everyone posted unrelated spam in comments, it wouldn't be. Consider that please.

Had to stay on this page to hear the full song ;) Was just talking to my friends about Floyd the other day and about the famed "Floyd hole."

Apparently he took too much LSD and became a hermit:

He went into self-imposed seclusion until his death in 2006.

could you please downvote or flag the comment that dissed me for "autoplay music - muting you" ??? I don't want to see that negativity in my comment feed while i check for gems like what you have posted here! <3 Pink floyd is acceptable autoplay music, i could understand me autoplaying garbage pissing someone off, but the majority of people will like how the music suits this post. Please downvote that comment if you can find it? Listenting to your video now, EPIC reply! <3 cheers and steeeeeeem on!


Upvoting since you put time into this!

I think you overestimate how much control has over the content that shows up here. If steem continues to be successful, advertisers are simply going to buy steem power and use that to push their ads to the front page.

correct, it is decentralized only to an extent. Anyone with enough $$$ or enough hired big boob models can easily gain enough steem to monopolize the trending feed.

an "official" advertising square might not even be needed at all!

As promised, I've read your proposal, thought about it for a bit and came to a conclusion that it is a good idea. No surprise here :)

One serious obstacle might be that the Steemit owners seem to want to avoid ads of any art and nature. Maybe you can persuade them to allow in-house and in-community ads. It is well worth trying.

Good luck!

hmm... I agree. ads can be screened so they can make whatever rules THEY or the community wants to adopt. I know facebook has an advertising limitation - no porn etc...

Art and nature is a figure of speech :)

Let's just say any kind of ads. I think I've read in the book that they don't want Steemit to become yet another Facebook or G+

Steemit is already has a lot of ads driven to the tops of pages by the whims of whales. I'd rather see the format more like it is, but have commercially driven upvotes and high-rankings be limited with filters and clearly marked.

its a delicate subject no doubt. Why not allow ads to a certain steemit or steam level? It's an option, but I definitely do NOT want the clutter of facebook or G+ at all. Steemit has a unique charm that I have not seen in a while. And the money is backed well enough to work.

it might not be noticed bottom right, I am jsut being generous to the fact they have no ads at the moment - maybe one under the trending posts? ON TOP is a bit much, everyone does that. it annoys me with google for example. LOL

Yes, the rules for posting ads should be set and followed well and strict enough.

By the way, in your example, the ad is way down and to the right. I fear that it wouldn't be noticeable enough down there...

why ads of "Art and nature" can you link to that particular post?

song money :v

YAEAH MONEY MOENY MONEY <3 :D make the world go round, everybody happy!


I attempted a funny post to help newbies not be intimidated by whales..

thanks for sharing, I will check it out!

thank you let me know what ya think :D

grats on $500

intriguing idea, I think the concept of Ads is a hot topic and needs more/a lot of thought put into it in the future.

Muting you. You're posting that shit all over STEEMIT. And with autoplay music. Not cool. Bye.

your post is genius, the music is well done on it but your tags are a simply pure spam. What has this topic to do with "marijuana"... this is a real pain here on steemit and for a 400mio market cap it is questionable that it even work. So please do it the right way.... your skills don`t need that :-)

the train is using marijuana as fuel! Haha but you got me - I just know people tend to vote on NON genius make up posts . From life experience, nobody wants tesla free energy tho it would save the world. BOOBS get far more attention. My apologies for being a rebel

Yeah I know... thats the reason I stopped writing my 3d printing guide here. I am not sure if that whole steemit will not go under in a large spam wave. Imagine when people write bots and so on in masses. There is no real QC build in yet - when there are coming just a few people now it will get uninteresting.

The main problem I think is in less frequent topics this posts dominate.... so best example today the "marijuana" topic. In top 12 stories of topic "marijuana" (trending) are 5 of totally unrelated content. And that is really uninteresting for any user what see not only the $ here.

I wrote a post of it today:

Wow, love your way of blogging. Awesome work man.

Who will decide what content to place and where and how long to show it?

it would go to highest bidder, steemit decides how many slots to have on rotation for that box

Every good idea may turn to a bad side i hope its not that case.

yin and yang. I like your philosophy - no matter how well we do or steemit does, balance must be achieved. I hope if we go this route, you can offer points on when we have gone too far.

Lets see what the people want


Sponsorships will probably work better. Popular bloggers can accept sponsorships from various companies.

thats a very good idea - please go in more detail as to how it would work?

Well I think the name is great. I was using the term 2 days ago so clearly if I thought of it as well it must be a great idea!

you said #steemengine??? :D

Haha don't think I ever tagged it, but used it in my last two posts so it definitely is catchy enough.

Yes great idea. I use facebook for advertizing now. Steemit ita long way but hope in the future i can switch from fb to steemit. And users make money will also spend money so steemit advertyzing can be mutch better Roi than Fb.

EXACTLY! thats what Im screamin / STEEMIN!

how much do you pay per click? with your FB ads i mean?

thanks for the comments guys. keep them coming!

You have good propositon and good post. But I will not upvote or downvote since i don't agree with you post promoting strategy by posting on others blogs. I do understand why you did that but its pain to go through your add on every page, its just not fair.

I agree, i will promote one of your posts into snowballing as a compensation for the unfair strategy I am using.

I recently hurt my foot and am working for minimum wage as it is, I need a break in life. I recently watched a video "You gotta want success as much as you want to BREATHE." So I kinda am willing to do anything to get my first posts noticed. LOT of people posting now and it kinda gets buried. I will look at your recent blogs right now.

God bless @leksimus

I'm here to watch thigns go around, learn and help community. You are a fighter and keep being one. I did read at least 10 posts to see what people are saying and trully tired to connect with people that wrote and gave them feedback. That is how I saw your ad. If I saw that you readed, contributed to their blogs and then propose to take a look on what you think is important I would congratulate you and gladly vote. Sometimes we need to listen to other more than we need to speak .
And to contribute to your post you know developers already had idea where they would let users advertise their content with steem dollars. I don't know exactly whare but heard it through my conversations and now I can't find exactly where.

interesting, can you link the post if its findable? I will link to it HERE by editing this post.

I tried to be orifinal and include a comment on each post - I am a speed reader - sadly I think I got lazy on a few :P

It was few days ago. It was also in comment section. Now I can't go so deep in post and replies history on and there is too much to look through on for me to find it, sorry.

Advertising is a good idea. Your payout formula... I think that needs some work.

what part? to ALL steemit users getting an equal share?

Neat idea indeed.

I appreciate it. Help get more to vote! STEEM NEEDS this!

Thank you for posting. QUESTION: should steemit let us steemers advertise using steem? Be sure to tell everyone you know to come vote here at:

This is a democratic community decision.

Upvote the #steemengine for in house steemit poster ads!

i thought i left pink floyd on in the background somehow. IMO, you should make a post explaining how to embed sound i didnt know you could do that

oh duh just embedded youtube video i thought that was an image

I will shamelessly keep promoting this, I KNOW it is a WONDERFUL idea.

Let's just say any kind of ads :))

I partially agree, make that any kind of STEEMIT post!

Something like Adwords will be great in steemit search but sadly steemit doesn't have their own search for the site as they are using google search on the site too

yes i noticed. You only have hashtag options. I wonder if you can just google "STEEMIT" "KEYWORD" and find ALL steemit posts with that keyword???

Could you please stop spamming other peoples post with a link to yours?

Grrr... looks well made. I hate sites and posts that play music or audio without me opting in. Kind of makes it difficult to view in many cases. So I can't really look at this post at this time.

should i move the sound to the top? I have had equal compliments on the music as I have complaints.

It is not the music that I dislike. It is that it starts playing without me clicking to ask it and I have no clue where the button is to stop it. So if I am at work, or in my case my wife was asleep in the same room and music starts playing without me knowing where to stop it... I start scrambling for the back button.

I truly did not mind the music. I just don't like audio playing if I didn't ask it to. :)

its a double edge sword. maybe i wont use, maybe ill have a WARNING in subject :)

A warning in the subject would be better than nothing. :) Honestly I think what you did by moving it to the top and recommending people listen to it while reading is the way to go. A lot of people read this stuff at work and other places where they likely don't want music coming over their speakers without a chance to prepare :)

EDIT: I hate web pages that do it too. I either click back and never read them or I turn off my computer audio and forget to turn it back on for awhile. It's not that I don't like it but if I'm reading something while I'm listening to a conference call on speaker phone, or my wife is asleep in the same room the music can cause issues. LOL

Awesome post! Voted! Rock on King!

I think idea is great. Why not!

A lot of people do, sadly no whales! Why? I think a fair dividend to ALL users would help with the fact most people get .01¢ per post!

This could be a good idea. I would have to agree with it.

it's pathetic, other LAME ass posts got $1300 in 40 minutes. I put thought into this and actually want to IMPROVE the community, not just say "HI IM HERE THIS IS ME IM A HOT GIRL...."
Thanks for being GROOVY and agreeing in spite of the whales turning a blind eye!

I still think you should consider the post successful even without the monetary reward. People like it, and are discussing it. It got lots of attention, congratulations!

You are right :)I do, but I am furious with the imbalance. Equality is my #1 mission in life. EQUALITY, and on behalf of 99.9% of the other users here, and myself, I am FURIOUS about the INequality. Thank you for redirecting my focus to success @mrzazaful, MOST people don't even make .01 and for that I am still furious, but happy too haha as I know, one day they will realize.

I think allowing ads to other steemers should actually be the default and I had no idea it wasn't allowed. Steem as a platform for marketing is a powerful concept and it allows a person to reach out and touch a broader audience than would otherwise be possible.

All of these "i need money for x", crowd fund me please type of posts are just ads. So I fail to see the difference between a company coming on and saying something like "The first 500 upvoters will get a free copy of our latest product", and "If I get 500 upvotes I will douse myself in water and record a live message".

It's six of one and half a dozen of the other.

I think I have a better and simpler proposal though, that makes it worthwhile for the community while not resorting to any sort of "trust person or group x to filter crap".

Ads should have an "I'm advertising" flag. When this is set the poster makes no money at all. Instead the funds raised are distributed to every person who upvoted and commented on a per capita instead of per capital basis.

This way if someone wants to promote something, he can make a post, give it a nice dash of cash (perhaps by paying a whale) and everyone who views the ad, comments on it and upvotes it gets a proportional share of the revenue, while the OP gets the exposure they are craving.

love it! Agree 100% - so sad none of the whales think I am worthy of a damn dime.

I can bring SO MUCH to steem with my brilliant mind, but I will not stay for long if I get to watch bimbo after bimbo get $7000 rewards. I will try a simple "introduce yourself - who am I" post and if this game is rigged, which I suspect it is - the people getting $7000 are working for steem - if that be so I am out. I won't stay long at all. I could be developing my own personal website, and, two domains I own that pay bitcoin dividends. I will go back if I have to. My ideas and knowledge is legendary, and not worthy of being wasted.

I will come back with a team of 30,000 people and make sure all my posts get 30,000 upvotes instantly. This rigged game will be MINE.

I have been thinking of an in-house Ad service for steemit for the past few days. I think it's a really good idea if it can serve to benefit steemit and it's members as a whole, much like you said in your post.

I really like the idea of Revenue Sharing amongst the members a lot. Keeping the ads circular and contained only within steemit is a great idea too I'd think. Of course it could be circumvented with people posting things related to stuff not steemit related and then enticing them to follow the trail elsewhere... also known as "bridge marketing" but the fact that this is a self regulating platform I don't think anything that wasn't carefully crafted and considered would last very long.

I'm sure ideas would have to be fleshed out but it's a very interesting idea and it seems it would almost be self perpetuating for those who hold enough steem power or dollar or whatever would be used. This could cause an issue so that would have to be factored in too.

YOUTUBELINK.COM/BLAHBLAH+*at_the_very_end you must add ?rel=0&autoplay=1 before the "

so <iframe "" " "" " src=" PLUS ?rel=0&autoplay=1" make sense?