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RE: Why Your Posts Never Reach to Desired Audience in Steemit ?

in #steemit8 years ago

aman aman :) also about "permalink" and post's is true that the shorter the title the better in fact by writing in the title box a famous tag like steemit or art or bitcoin and posting it you have created a "clean" permalink where the site algorithm has a clear pass to what your post is about and then quickly back at editing it again this time writing what ever title you want and as long as you want it too because by that you have by-passed the "noise" zone but now the human eye zone which also prefer short title and too the point in fact the 1 word title in my opinion is the strongest title there is, titles like "WHAT??" "ANTICHRIST" "HELLO" but because of that also the hardest to make lol...but that's just my opinion !! assalamualekum