a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4, e=5 (...) x=24, y=25, z=26Gematria curiosities (http://www.gematrinator.com):
m = 13 , e = 5
13+5 = 18 = 6+6+6
combine the numbers together = 135
combine the numbers together in reverse = 531
135 + 531 = 666
"Me Me Me" in English Extended Gematria = 135
"Selfie" in Jewish Gematria = 135
"Selfish" in Reverse Sumerian Gematria = 666
weird stuff!
PS: If you liked this post, be sure to upvote, comment, resteem and follow/support me here @kintar0 (I'll follow/support you back!)
Peace! 😊😊
The Gematria has weird but interesting math equations. I've seen people on youtube use this and claim to predict things like sporting events. Some are wrong, but some kinda leave you sitting there scratching your head like "What did I just see"? lol.
totally agree! there's stuff you just be like WTF?! 😵😵
this youtuber is great: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCr6rRSjxpuMzTq5IaL12PAg he breaks down the news with Gematria... and its amazing to see how he connects the dots and shows us the lies behind the news! 👀👍
about sporting events, when Portugal won the European Championship 2016... he breaks down the final match... and incridibly, the dots connect point on point! 😵 basically this events are all rigged! just like in the time of the Romans, the masses need something to be distracted (like the gladiators), in order to not see what is happening behind their backs! 😐
I watched a video of a guy who claimed that he will use Gematria to predict the world series and what team will win, before the start of the season. The dude picked the Mets to play some other team and that the Mets will win the world series. That year the Mets didnt win the world series, but they made it to the world series. It was kinda creepy. lol.