Stop beating yourself up over posts not well received.
Taking yourself to seriously on here doesn't seem to work.
I hope you take a step back and realize that a few "failed" posts means nothing... You're still better off than half the steemians I know with your writing. Beating yourself up Bob.. Not worth it man. Just write.
You might not make anything.. But it will help you heal.....
And after reading this.. It sounds you need some healin' man.
Yeah you know you're 100% correct my friend.
I put too much pressure on because I feel this is my "one shot".
Life isn't meant to be torture, but for me the last 8 years has been nothing but.
Steemit gave my hope, gave me will, gave me motivation, gave me so much that I'd lost over the years...
But the most dangerous thing, is Steemit gave me some money. That money is real.
I got some and it felt good, too good.
Thought maybe this is the beginning of the end, or a new beginning entirely...
I gotta find myself, and maybe I gotta do that thru my writing.
Trying to hold it all together sent me off the edge,
Now we've got shit like this committed to the blockchain!
You got my support bob. Need to talk I'm always around man.
Thanks brother I really appreciate it!