Well I didn’t think that my year would start like this and that my jousting opponent this year would be an internal battle. A routine health check at the doctors in October last year found a raised PSA blood level and slightly enlarged prostate.
The MRI scan that followed found a small leiasion but the prostate consultant (who is on of the best in the UK) was happy that it was not an aggressive cancer and monitoring and further testing would be ok. That is where the good news ended the MRI also found an unrelated issue in my lymph node in the groin. Cut a long story short after many tests and a biopsy it turned out to be cancer.
All the testing and the day of the diagnosis was depressing, frightening - for my loved ones and friends to. I’m lucky to have them and their support especially for the other half of Knight-angel, Deb who is awesome.
So that’s it all bets are off for the next 6 months. The joust is on and I will win and get this disease out. It’s curable and that’s all that counts this knowledge is the key to stay positive for the dark days that are sure to come as the battle begins.
Peace n Love
▶️ DTube
So sorry to hear, a challenge. Thank you for sharing about health testing, though, and seeing through investigative testing. It is frightening, macmillan nurses are there to help, sharing and talking is a way forward.
Thanks. I wanted to share the experience because what I found was that the build up to actually getting a diagnosis and the testing was way more stressful than actually starting the treatment. The fear of the unknown and uncertainty. Hopefully people seeing and reading my journey will help in some small way.
Very curable. All he best from this cancer survivor.
Thanks. Curable is the take home message especially when feeling sad! Well done on your survival!
Not great news, I hope you are fighting fit again soon.
Lol thanks, no not the best news ever! But I’m in a positive fighting frame of mind, I won’t let this get my spirit down. I did have a depressed few weeks waiting to start treatment, once it started my mood lifted and I’ll keep it there now