"Quora is a question-and-answer site where questions are asked, answered, edited, and organized by its community of users"
Last year Quora reportedly received a Series D investment funding of $1.8 billion usd.
Will you get a piece of it as a regular user? no.
Will you watch ads on Quora? Hell yes.
Will you make money as a top voted answer on Quora? no.
Musing.io basically aims to disrupt the business model that Quora runs on. Turning a question-answer platform from a ad-based business to a tokenized incentive model. Making sure that all participants of the network benefit from it. Rather than just the shareholders like on Quora, who may or may not even have an account on it.
At the very least, Musing.io serves as a usecase study for the Steem Blockchain.
I'm @awesomianist's alt-account, you can read more or my stuff at steemit.com/@awesomianist