How to incentivise posts? They get whales to uvpote right? Isn't the thing here? We;re talking about how people aren't getting rewarded? Well it's no different in comments. Making a comment reward pool as Steemit Inc suggested, is no real solution. Just as the whales can't upvote all posts, they cant do all comments.
So as some feel, why make posts if they are not getting rewarded? Where are the extra incentives there? Same for comments. People may not comment because they are focused on rewards, just as they are on posts. We already have the incentive on post and comments to potentially get rewarded, it's just things are not structured to ensure that work and contribution are rewarded, so people feel undervalued. I get it too.
Anyways, I'm just doing my part to reward people who do contribute on my posts. If they want rewards for writing good comments, then they can write good comments and try to get rewarded, but still not guarantee hehe. I judge them myself.
I disagree with rewarding people for simply reading or viewing. People reading things is supposed to be because they want to, again, not for getting rewards.
The intrinsic motivation needs to be developed instead of applying extrinsic motivations more. Shooting Ourselves in the Foot by Leading with a Carrot.
Not everyone will get rewarded for comments, but maybe more authors can recognize the comment contributions and reward some meaningful content themselves like I will try.
Thanks for the feedback.