@simplifylife - I am definitely digging this newbie STEEMIT (help guide, explanation, etc) post. Like the first one I commented on - This one as well is very - easy to read and understand" there are a to of help-guides out there newbies.. Trust me there are.., However many are outdated and since they grossed like $600-800 back in the really flourishing days fior everyone - much of the info has changed, been updated, algorithms tweaked, and even payout structures, timelines changed drastically..
If you are new to STEEMIT I advise you to follow @simplifylife for his help-guides and also look for help topics in the new/trending tab instead of searching the search box that ranks posts moreso by payout than "newness" and exactly what you need help with - this is because all of STEEMIT posts are automatically submitted to Google for search results - which is not the case at all for Facebook or other Social Media sites.. It's good for your post - but bad for looking up new content on STEEMIT help issues.
Thank you very much for the kind words!! I will keep trying to keep these posts coming as I learn something new everyday!! The more I can make from these posts, the better the posts will become I hope!!
In the meantime would you please resteem this post so that more people can benefit from my efforts!! And also, If you haven't aleady, do make sure to check out the next post :