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RE: Difference between HOT and TRENDING tabs made ridiculously simple for newbies and beginners!!

in #steemit8 years ago

@simplifylife - I am definitely digging this newbie STEEMIT (help guide, explanation, etc) post. Like the first one I commented on - This one as well is very - easy to read and understand" there are a to of help-guides out there newbies.. Trust me there are.., However many are outdated and since they grossed like $600-800 back in the really flourishing days fior everyone - much of the info has changed, been updated, algorithms tweaked, and even payout structures, timelines changed drastically..

If you are new to STEEMIT I advise you to follow @simplifylife for his help-guides and also look for help topics in the new/trending tab instead of searching the search box that ranks posts moreso by payout than "newness" and exactly what you need help with - this is because all of STEEMIT posts are automatically submitted to Google for search results - which is not the case at all for Facebook or other Social Media sites.. It's good for your post - but bad for looking up new content on STEEMIT help issues.
