hey, @writeit, it is nice to meet you here. And just as you stated, it will take time but you will get there if you keep up the work (learning and applying). It is good to know you have a passion for soccer, i know we can do something about that right here on the platform to help others get acquainted with the rest of the community.
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man you know no one in Ghana is pushing to become an EOSGhana block producer candidtte, and even if you don't get voted EOS Block producer(Witness) you will STILl get to rub sholders with eos grousp and make an EOS Ghana group to apply for SOME of that MASSIVE fundinga ndu can always use money from EO Sto buy STEEMPOWER to then make money off, I mean you should use the money from EOS to help get free wifi spots and get bulk shipments of smartphones, we just really need that bulk smartphone shipments to Ghana and Nigeria along with as many free wiofi hubs in as many big cities as we can get, because if steemians can come to city centers to get free wifi or as long as we put free wifi zones in buildings in every city and town, like steem hub like @steemgh wanted to do, and if he gets the funding he can setup a test hub with WIFI if he can do that we can find out how much it would cost to put up steem hubs with free wifi =like cafes and maybe if they can make money from posts you could make money off of these like regular businesses selling food and rinks directly for crypto because thanks to @yensesa we can allowpeopel in Ghana to get Cedis MTN mobile Money right on their phone if they have sbd/steem. So I see a lot ooif promise for recruiting the masses in Ghana and Nigeria. Universities should be a place we recruit from and we could have every single university student in Ghana using their classes and university facilities to CREATE STEEM FRONT ENDS and to POST ON STEEMIT AND MAKE STEEM PROJECTS! Seriously if University students just showed professors how they could all post and ALL make money online, then MAYBE the professors coulkd make room for Steem in their classes.
What better of a project for It and technology students then creating a realistic steem app or front end that is useful and maybe is for African Steemians and allows for beneficiary rewards and comes with a bank of data info, imagine a special app for West African or just Ghanian Steemians that educates new users in Africa in a much faster way than niormal users.,.. You could make apps that have videos tutorials built in and that guide users through how to signupa and use dtube dlive utopian etc... And you could make it so when you make a new post it shows youa list of relevant posts about africa like trending posts on #africa tag show you can have ideas while you write, maybe show a google image bank of steemit images with #africa or #ghana hashtags, I mean we could even have Dos and Don'ts and explain how to not leave short nmessages, a checklist to ensure if someone posts conetnt that isn't theres that they cite their source and at least leave a review, we could even have markdown templates the way the new Steemreviews website has for its users, now that steemreviews is the sort of SIMPLE fronte nd students could make , a simpel stem fronte nd that takes a very small beneficiary reward percentage of jhustra few percent and then you could end up with a great passive income , students can use steem to develop SO many great tools websites curation clubs, just having a sort of @booster and @frontrunner guild that upvotes before booster paid upvotes forearning us all curation, you could do an Africa version like @wafrica booster or africabooster or ghanabooster and ghana frontrunner where you make it so new users with just a few SP can all swim as a school combine their SP for a paid bid bot like booster africa where you can keep it for just africa related posts..
Anyway just thought those ideas are something you could use!
Making fronte nds or special Apps or chrome extensions just for African steem users that come preloaded with lists of well known African Steemians like @mcsamm youc an reach out to to help , they can help new users in exchange for being listed on these lists an dgetting lots of nbew followers and upvoets etc,m I feel liekw e have so much potential to just ACCELERATE the learning of new users in Ghana and west africa teaching them to use African landscape, cultruye, nature or just pictures of urban areas to make interesting posts, remind afrcian users that the rest of tehw orld doenst get to see much fo africa so when you tell Any story about africa it becomes novel and inbteresting! Just be yourself and tel your own story and you cannotgo wrongthats the tip I would GIVE to NEW users! :D I want an App that helps new users for a specific region it can have @yensesa built in for new ghanian users :D:D omg 8it could be huge manb! @black-man might end up needing to make his own front end JUST to include a built in yensesa plugin! He should make some sort of system so ALL future African based steem front ends can use yensesa and I hope yensesa does create a system for Nigeria and use steemit istelkf to find people in every country across sub saharan africa to be able to exchange money between them all using stem as the Continental reserve currency for settling in, wooo its powerful stuff! Incredible times we live in where we actually do have working global digital currencies that can be the common denominator between multiple African currencies, WITHOUT needing any Dollar or Pound, euro or franc etc, just Steem oR bitcoin or even EOS! (And Bitcoin private will be the BEST option for much of Africa in the future, where you can turn Africa into a crypto anarchist dream where crypto is just ignored and all political offices are held by crypto holders who wish to spend their wealth in peace prvately, maybe even start increasing fianncial security laws. Imagine if Ghana became so crypto friendly tht they lowered taxes to almost nothing for crypto currency people. SO many rich investor would set up shop and even if the don't go travelk themselves they'd INVEST and sed money into the country to start building businesses! I'm so tempted to buy land because I see its so cheapo now and I KNOW that LAND always goes up in price!