Don't Be Like These Douchebags

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

The world has plenty of them. Crypto has some, heck even Steemit has some. They think that they are a blessing to humanity. They are the best thing since sliced bread. Thing is, they are the biggest douchebags and the cancer on any ecosystem they decide to enter.

They hear to the names, The Dollar Vigilante, Jerry Banfield, Ian Ballina, Tony Robbins, Trevon James, Ben Bricks, Suppoman and so on. They believe that since "they made it" so can others. Their logic though is similar to a lottery winner boasting about how the average person can become a millionaire. They are surrounded by morons and it is rather hard to pop their bubble since more idiots create a snowball effect.

What makes it even harder to to call out is that the crowds that support these kind of degenerate Kardashians have an I.Q that is smaller than their shoe size. They are the people who play the lottery forgetting that statistically they have a better chance growing a third nut in their ball sack.

So here goes Ian Ballina with his motivational emails about how you can retire and how he turned out offers from Microsoft, and yada yada. How he "hacked" the crypto world much like he "hacked" IBM.

Nigga, you made some money wagecucking for 6 years and then you got lucky when you threw some in shitcoins. Bull market came and suddenly you are "hacking" life.

It is amazing how people with this kind of skills fail to understand the most basic bias. The survivorship bias. Boasting about how someone else can make it after you have, is similar to watching Bitcoin going to 20k and saying "Damn it, I could have bought at 10 cents". Hindsight 20/20.

These cancerous pieces of shit that we call "motivational leaders", form illusions to most people heads that are already helplessly retarded. They go on in investing in toxic waste and eventually cause market crashes and then I have to live in a society full of idiots. We can't stop this trend but we can start from somewhere. You can shit on them with every chance you get and perhaps others can start picking up the pace.

There is no "nice" way to put it. It is hard to penetrate their ear drum since their heads is so far up their asses. Calling them out and explaining them basic statistics with plain language or simple logic might do the trick.


Hahahaha enjoyed this write up very much. With regards to these "life-hackers" or self-help folks, my whole issue with them has always been:

If you (self-proclaimed life coach) are as successful as you claim, what in God's name are you doing trying to shamelessly sell yourself and a crap product for $49.95/month? Did you not make enough money to sail off into the sunset for good and live a tranquil life?

Pretty evident the answer is clear. They did not make the real F.U. money and are back to make some more money. There are undoubtedly, people and services out there that are genuine and worth every penny, but they are drowned out by the noise and saturation of scammers and schemers.

Anyone who truly wants to learn and better themselves ought to focus their energy towards one thing: reading. Of course there are a host of other things to focus on but reading is, in my view, the first all important step and your best friend on the path to improvement.

and they have following and some even have classes online that people pay to learn how to be like them, sadly people fall in that and they end up loosing money, suppoman had a course that taught people how invest in shit coin on youtube and many people subscribed and paid and then the crash happened and he went silent

you got to wonder how we get fooled so easily by this guys , they prey on our desire to get rich quick and then show their lavish living knowing we will be hooked and then scam us

we like free and quick things that is why we are easily drawn to them and their schemes

very true and most of the coins they sell are shit coins and they promise 10X to 100X returns . this days they have gone silent as the market tumbled from $800B to currently $400B

they are speculators who have nothing to offer that is why they are silent

Calling them out and explaining them basic statistics with plain language or simple logic might do the trick.

Sorry to disapoint you, but from my experience, this won't do shit.

The people that follow these "motivational leaders" don't want to hear truth, not even the most obvious ones.

They just want to have the easy sucess. They want to be rich without much effort, and logic doesn't make sense to them.

You can drop all science and logical explanations over their heads and all they will hear is that you are a non-believer and a pessimist, or something alike.

Sorry, but there is no hope there. Most of the people don't want to think for themselves, they want someone to grab their hands and pull them.

That is why it's not so hard to pull a scam like bitconnect.

their is no easy success in life you have to work on it, do your own research about the coins you want to invest then follow it through

Where there are sharks, there are pilot fish, to stay in fishy Steemit terms. Not only do the charlatans engage in profitable circle jerks, they also gather large a following hoping for leftovers. I'm not sure what annoys me more, the scammers or their following.

I need to work on this; being annoyed by stupidity can take a lot of one's time these days.

my plan is simple. call out the scammers and the morons that follow them so they can open up my ecosystem. I just don't want so many idiots around me.

that is easier said than done , they depend on that scammer so its hard for them to live the scammer since he feeds them what they are craving

Circus, in the arena of acrobats, suddenly a voice from the upper row of "motherfuckers,
dressed in tights". "Okay, the next attraction, clowns, everyone laughs, cheerfully, suddenly a voice from the upper row of "motherfuckers, make up like women and are crooked. "Everybody is waiting for the next attraction, entertainer coming out and announces "And now the death attraction, a jump from under the dome upside down in a bucket of water, without insurance. "A momentary silence, and suddenly voice from the top row "What is it? Where are you taking me to, motherfuckers, motherfuckers! ".

they are both feeding each other needs , the sharks need the pilot fish to brags that they have great following that is why they are successful and the pilot fish follow the shark incase something drops to them . they have a symbiotic relationship

the pilot likes to brag that they are following the big fish yet they are pones in the sharks game, look at the recent whale wars in steemit where the whale will tell their followers to downvote their opponents articles

People are stupid. We will never fix it and it will only get worse. Idiocracy was actually a memoir writen by a time travler from the future.

Calling them out and explaining them basic statistics with plain language or simple logic might do the trick.

I have very rarely seen this work. People defend their positions - no matter how wrong they are - because the idea of being wrong frightens them on a primal level. You're basically fighting cognitive dissonance at every step. The best one can hope for - or at least the best I generally hope for - is trying to explain, wait for them to get defensive and storm off, then just have faith they'll spend time alone researching for themselves. Eventually, one day, you come full circle and find that person having switched positions. The problem is that their cognitive dissonance will have them believing that their position was their own idea.

Amazing New sir @kyriacos . This blog is very informative sir @kyriacos Thanks for sharing with us @Sir

@Upvote done

"What makes it even harder to to call out is that the crowds that support these kind of degenerate Kardashians have an I.Q that is smaller than their shoe size."

Yeah, but dat ass!

There is always going to be that privileged few that think the world owes them something because mommy and daddy gave them everything without having to work for it. Seems to me that there's a whole generation of it that needs to die off before we're gonna actually get anywhere.

"Growing a third nut in their ball sack". Lol, you're wird play is hype !!
Nice article

What makes it even harder to to call out is that the crowds that support these kind of degenerate Kardashians have an I.Q that is smaller than their shoe size

Hahaha :D
I love your style of writing!

And yeah, you are right. There are so many charlatans, when it comes to teaching others how to be successful. Most of them are just bragging about their own achievements and thinking, that everybody can be as successful as they are. No, they can't.
There are a lot of different variables, which affect success and we can only control a few of them. They make it sound so easy, when it is quite the opposite and they're ignoring the fact, that they might just got lucky.

But sadly, they're attracting people, who are looking for an easy way out, like a dung pile attracts flies :/

Nothing breaks up the monotony of a circle jerk better than an intelligent troll. This is epic. @kyriacos will bring the lulz to Steemit, and it's sorely needed.