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RE: ...

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)


No shame in saying who he is. No shame to show that the oil of what we call "Steemit" is powered by the countless sheeple of

the Great,

the glorious

Tinfoiled Vigilante

it is the sad, sour truth. We want to call it decentralised, anarchic or whatever else but right now a fraud is running the game and he has the founders on his feet because there is no Steemit without him. I am not even going to touch the Silk Road guy. (the things i saw being sold on that page makes my skin crawl).

I don't think it can get more pathetic than that. I expose the Tinfoiled Vigilante with every single chance I get. I never upvoted him and even if he flagged me some times, costing me massive reputation, i still went mongolian on his ass. Check my page and early posts. Life is about kicking ass, not kissing it like a whore.

Also, shame on you as well. You should have stood your ground and not bail as soon as the money machine run out. Many followed the same milking stradegy, including the tinfoiled vigilante. I can't understand why the whales put on trail people that fuck them over and ignore consistent members that offer so much to the community. This makes a lot of us frustrated but I am still allowing them some more room for evaluation.

Your stance doesn't make you any beter than him. The Tinfoiled Vigilante, upon leaving will say the exact same things as you; "Steemit was just a phase".


Truth is, you both made massive amounts of money without really deserving it while most of us stood ground and defended this shithole as best as we could for pennies—and we still do because we believe we can make it better. more 5K sensational posts huh? a..the bullshit easy money make us say....


He has a huge following on Twitter and FB. Now, I personally am not a huge fan. I question much more the impact of the guy who just got out of prison and is suddenly a witness and makes money on every post.

both of them are shady as fuck.

You've got to be kidding me.

DV, whatever, yeah he's way too sensationalist. Shady, I don't think so.

Charlie Sherm, is NOT shady. As you'll learn moving through crypto-land, the gov kinda crucifies people from time to time to satisfy demands for blood and slaughter. His number was up, poor bastard.

honestly expressing disillusionment after investing a shitload of time and energy into something you believed in and "bailing" are two completely different things.

and frankly, if it was my call, no one would be earning $5k/post (myself included). as much of a blessing that might have been at the time, such disparity in rewards is NOT serving the site's best long-term interest.

Perhaps you were one of the ones that had posted about the 'TV's' track record I'd seen way back. Respect for having called it out, and continuing to do so.