Steemit Is Shit But Still The Best Social Media Platform Outhere

in #steemit7 years ago

I wrote earlier a post about how Steemit would be if there would be no rewards. Obviously some took it the wrong way. Sometimes I write something and I expect others to have followed through my earlier posts from 2016. Silly Me. So let me explain myself further.

If I ever made the grave mistake and produce offspring, Steemit would be the first place I would introduce to them. I wouldn't praise Steemit. I wouldn't try to promote it as the best thing since sliced bread. I would simply point out and say "Look son, this is a micrograph of the shit world I brought you in without your permission. If you don't like it, well, better get used to it or end yourself".

Part of the joy in Steemit is to be able to write whatever the fuck you want without caring what others think. For example, I had earlier a guy say to me "Hmm, it seems that multiple people use the account @kyiacos because sometimes the language is nice and pretty and sometimes it is hasty and has many mistakes". Well, no shit Sherlock. I don't sit here having in mind that I will be perceived as the next Hemingway. I write because I like to write and getting paid for the shit I write. Sometimes it comes out good. Sometimes is shit. I rarely edit. I would quit Steemit if I had to go through proofreading. It would seem like i am dressing up for a date, putting make up, you know, being a pretentious little prick for the sake of approval from some random douchebags.

The absolute beauty of Steemit is that it incorporates the exact same dynamics as the ones taking place in the real world. You have your whales at the top of the pyramid who are there for the simple reason of being first. Then you have your groupies and the guilds/parties with the mini-whales that pretend they assist communities. It goes much like it goes to any big company. The boss sits in the office, takes a tour every now and then down in the factory and pats randomly some guy on the back "Good work, good work, keep it up, here is an upvote/raise". And the shitshow goes on. In reality, we know that the boss that takes x10000 times more usually jerks off in some porn, plays with the computer and delegates the work to some passionate plebs that run the shitshow for him. Why? Well because he inherited the company/account or because he is friends with other whales.

Even the "self-made-men" here on steemit are people who got in early, got a massive delegation, build a massive account in a couple of months and now they are whales. Anyone could be in their position — but of course they believe they are special — much like in the real world.

And again. This is fine. I would pick this any day of the week rather than sitting on facebook and crafting every comment as if I am going to post it to the fucking Queen. It is fine because I would neck myself if I had to see on my wall another plate of food or how awesome the life of X person is when I know that they are miserable as fuck. The pretentiousness in any other social media is much more ridiculous than Steemit. The political correctness if way too suffocating at least for a foul shithead like myself. I prefer the mad max world of Steemit rather than the wonderland of the little pony that is facebook.

I consider Steemit the training ground for the real world. Most people will shut the fuck up and collect the rewards from their friend whales. Some others will make a post a month or 2 or 5 but make sure they are darn fucking awesome posts so they can excuse the x1000 in rewards they are getting. Same applies in real life. Some will jerk off in the office most of the time and wait for the right moment to deliver something good so that the boss can say "maybe this shithead is not wasting my money after all". The content is irrelevant ofcourse because the special boy got the job because he knew the boss or the daddy knew the boss. Again, same shit happens in real life.

The renegades will make bots and leach on every new post. These are small scammers that you also meet daily in life. The whales will sometimes cross dicks just to establish territory even if the rest of people are getting fucked. This happens in here as well. The plebs will pick sides and expect that their groupies will circle jerk enough for them to shine. The same companies lead the way much like the same people are trending even if they are absolutely worthless pieces of shit The wealth is concentrated on the 1% while the 99% fights for the breadcrumbs.

Steemit is my colosseum. A glorious micro-scale planet Earth with all of the dynamics packed in a small ecosystem. All that vile and shit that makes us human, it is all here folks. All those gems and diamonds that are lost in the piles of shit. All those who choose to see things "positively" because they happen to be the lucky ones. All of those cursing it because they are not favoured. All those pretending to care. It's beautiful I tell you. Fucking magnificent.


I haven't really got the time, the energy or the alertness (it's 1AM in my part of the world) to write a full-length reply but, yeah. I know how ypu feel.
The idea of "hey, here's a place where quality gets noticed" draws us here, the potential for that to one day become true keeps us here, but in the meantime it's a bunch of trolls who know they can attack your wallet now, and mindless zombies walking around trying to pounce on curation rewards for things they haven't even read.
Still, it's better than Facebook.

No SM platform will ever be perfect. If it were we would still find fault in it! Ah, to be human....

Too true.
Steemit still has the most potential of any platform I've seen. It was built on a solid idea, and none of its flaws are necessarily crippling. But... well, I notice it says "beta" on the logo. That implies it's still a work in progress. A lot of people feel like it's kind of being left as it is, as though the developers have just said "nah, beta is fine. No need to refine it."

there's another soft fork coming up soon. That's when small steps are made. I think it will be in beat for awhile. Still glad to have discovered it!!

Yup, I agree... I like the way you write and think.

There is a lot to agree with here.

I know how Steemit can easily be fixed. Currently there is no moderation for the tags. I would allow for moderated tags to compete with non-moderated tags. You need both moderated tags, and absolute freedom tags. A moderator, for example, could make a rule that any posts that uses a bot for an upvote is banned (banned from being seen on that tag only). I also want tags to remain that have absolutely no moderation (other than flagging). I want to see moderated tags compete against un-moderated tags so we have the best of both worlds and people can decide which tags they will use. If this feature is implemented on Steemit, I think most of the the problems will go away.

good luck enforcing this.

Good luck getting through life with those reading comprehension skills. God, I'm really getting tired of the ADHD people who can't read. I said moderated tags compete with unmoderated tags. I'm not trying to end "muh anarchy."

Go fuck yourself with your logistics argument. I'm telling you what needs to be done and you give me is God damned logistics. Faggot.

Fuck off. You let people create their own moderated hashtags and if the moderation is good people will post their content on them and if the moderation sucks they will use a different tag. Not that complicated, but if you want to be a faggot about it then continue.

The irony is that in the effort to make a platform that was uncensorable, what has actually happened is anyone with money has become a smashingly effective censor of anyone with less, while being uncensorable themselves.

That depends. If someone with the power to silence someone chooses to do so, then no matter what label is attached to it, I'd say that person has been censored.
Let's say John Doe Steeminan (new account) posts comment X. Well, Joe Bloe Whale (with a few million Steem Power and a reputation score in the 80's because everyone upvotes his nonsensical posts hoping to score curation rewards or tickle his ego enough to make him upvote them) reads comment X and decides he doesn't like it (for no particular reason). So Joe Bloe Whale goes on a streak of going through John Doe Steemian's posts and flagging every one of them until John Doe Steemian's rep score is well below zero, meaning his posts now never see the light of day. John Doe Steemian has neither the power to defend nor retaliate.
This platform is one of the best ideas I've seen in a while but there's a reason the logo still says "beta" on it. I hope that there will be some way to iron out these bugs in the future.

and I am just down here fighting for my bread crumbs like

We're all just a part of a great experiment.

#a round of applause!!!! You are so blunt and i like it. One of the best and sincere post i have read so far since I joined 16 days back. I get frustrated when I have a good post with 0-4 upvotes and some whales just throw in some funny posts and they make a lot. Steemit is a cool community but there is still space for improvement.


Either way, it's a fantastic fucking experiment. More centralized and simpler competitors to Steem will come eventually, and honestly they will probably win the day eventually. This place seems destined to eat itself like the results of most libertarian dreams. But it will make a great case study some day!

Well said.

The absolute beauty of Steemit is that it incorporates the exact same dynamics as the ones taking place in the real world.

Which goes to show what would happen if the world became a bastion of "free enterprise" and "anarchy". The values people hold and their overall character determine how things go, this is why promoting anarchy, anti-government, and the like is an exercise in futility. There are deeper problems.

the world is anarchic. The ones on top do whatever the fuck they want. The plebs are the ones obeying the rules.

A glorious micro-scale planet Earth with all of the dynamics packed in a small ecosystem. All that vile and shit that makes us human, it is all here folks. All those gems and diamonds that are lost in the piles of shit. All those who choose to see things "positively" because they happen to be the lucky ones. All of those cursing it because they are not favoured. All those pretending to care. It's beautiful I tell you. Fucking magnificent.

What an epic say! Chapeau!

If it's the interface you don't like, check out

Same login, same blockchain, same rewards, different interface.

its not the interface your imbecile


Tbh I said almost the same thing to myself. That comment was after reading the first couple paragraphs. Someone is a bit of a misanthrope.

Some people suck. Don't follow or support them.

Oh the glorious humanity of it all! It's a shit show bazaar, and I love to revel in the spectrum of depravity portrayed on this platform!
giphy-downsized (6).gif

Hahah, I wrote a very similar post a couple of days ago. And I agree Steemit is my favorite Social media platform despite all the issues! Will it be #1 in the world? Who knows..... Let's not forget the BetaMax and SEGA Saturn. Great products can fail. But In the mean time we will have a circle jerk orgy!

Social Media In My Mind Right Now

Twitter - Good to read quick news from crypto people
Instagram - Great for watching hot girls do squats
YouTube - Good for watching basketball highlights
Snapchat - Psssshhhh
Facebook - Good for having a fake profile to connect to Tinder and Bumble
Steemit - Good for earning more crypto

It won't be the number 1 because most people are pussies and can't take it

Working as intended then 8-P.

Well said. Steemit is like a petridish of human societies.
Just like some economists made studies based on World of Warcraft and other MMOs people could learn a hell of a lot about the real world spending time here.

I love it just as often as I hate it.

as always saying what you think you do not leave anything inside ... everything you say ... if in this world is called steemit small fish like me or many live on the crumbs that we can get with a publicity or quality comment that does not they are not even seen ... while another puts a ridiculous memes and earns $ 100 for it ... life here is unfair but it is the pure reality.

How old are you?



Hello @kyriacos. I like your bluntness on this matter. I think what are saying is true. Nice post... Cheers!

I'm fairly certain now that @kyriacos is my spirit animal.

at last someone with 71 rep talking properly nice one mate I enjoyed your post !

"Hmm, it seems that multiple people use the account @kyiacos because sometimes the language is nice and pretty and sometimes it is hasty and has many mistakes".


This is the best example of this:

Well, no shit Sherlock. I don't sit here having in mind that I will be perceived as the next Hemingway. I write because I like to write and getting paid for the shit I write. Sometimes it comes out good. Sometimes is shit. I rarely edit. I would quit Steemit if I had to go through proofreading.

xaxa well written and unedited...

Brilliant, you put to words everything I feel about this platform.

True. Steemit is the best place anyone can dream of. Steemit gives you the freedom to post whatever shit you wanna. Just the best mehn

I'd still be here versus anywhere else if Steemit had no rewards, but that's because I largely came for the drama (as well as the sheer variety of perspectives I could never access otherwise). PC fluff is boring.

Let's face it, Steemit is and always has been the gentleman's 4chan, with an aspect equivalent to GoFundMe for various personal causes, as its side salad. Let's not lament the supposed "quality" literature it may have intended conceptually to have sprung forth, because that was never going to happen and I don't want whatever "quality" would have been anyway.

May a new Steemit rise, like a phoenix from the ashes, up above this most recent hellfire of stupidity, entitlement, unabashed scamming, and botivity, to a new era of gentrified: brain farts, random observations, amateur art, and trash talk that one could be proud to admit to participating in, in public, because at least all that's real.

Please upvote this post to help pay for electroshock therapy for my three-legged iguana who got injured in a horrible unicycle accident last year, or he won't be able to finish his thesis on child poverty. Otherwise, you're a racist. And you're so racist you can't even understand why.