noganoo does not talk like you, bro.
Nice try though.
No, reputation is not worthless. It's gonna be quite a long time, maybe weeks, before your gang can squash this account's reputation and its visibility, so why should I stop while I still have ammo in the mag?
If the post or comment above is visible to you, it should be flagged. This account is linked to bad Steemian(!) @l0k1. This comment is intended to keep @l0k1 posting and commenting so his account can be killed.
Why are you wasting time trying to lower my visibility with an account that most people can't see anyway? Or the fact that it cannot possibly affect my visibility?
Or is it so you can make a bit more cash with another racket?
Ok, now I am certain it is not. Nice try nextgen. What's the next gambit?
What a pitty you are gonna have to power up @ozchartart to actually do any real damage to my rep. That is gonna be inconvenient. All that cryptocurrency you can't spend on your next racket, for another 3 months.
Just keep it up, the more lies you tell, the more rope you twist together to hang yourself.
If the post or comment above is visible to you, it should be flagged. This account is linked to bad Steemian(!) @l0k1. This comment is intended to keep @l0k1 posting and commenting so his account can be killed.