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RE: How Do you downvote on steemit?

in #steemit9 years ago

why dont you try asking them why they downvoted you? if it was for something legit and you guys can come to an understanding, you can rectify the issue and then they can un-flag you :) win-win and no messy downvote war


@landslide ...They don't like what I have to say & made that abundantly clear launching personal attacks on me in an ambush...They are Trump Supporters...and they are arrogant & destructive...but you know what? Homey don't play that game...I'm just going to hide them & ignore them...I prefer to upvote friends who upvoted me!

Trump Supporters - say no more :P

Very good advice I am always in favour of win-win

Homey don't play that game! no more flagging for me...if it's a personal attack then I'll just hide it...