I noticed there is no "religion" tag when you click on "show more topics". So the first thing I did, is to see if there are currently posts with this tag on steemit. And the answer is yes ! You can check it by yourself here : https://steemit.com/hot/religion

One reason that seems clear, is that there is no post bearing this tag. But the fact is that there are actually posts with this tag. So what might be the reasons for this absence?
One might wonder what is the problem with this tag. Is it a bug or does steemit actually blacklisted it ? If this is the case, this is quite disturbing, given the fact steemit is supposed to be a social network leaving free speech and not applying censorship.
If you have an explanation or an idea about why is that so, I look forward to hear it !
Then I ask this question @ned, @dantheman and all those involved in steemit. Why is there no "religion" tag on the trending topic list, when we can see that there are tags with less than 7 posts !? *

The list you reference seems to be a list of the top topics, @lastminuteman I think that its just that #religion is not among the higher used tags. Don't think that there's anything sinister on @steemit
Correct, as it says on the screenshot. Trending topics..
You can always find new posts in https://steemit.com/created/religion
I don't think that, just asking. And actually there are topics which are not really top or trending on that list. I can find "announce" tag with 2 posts and 0 SBD payout, and many more. So why would these tags be referenced ?
Just speculating, @lastminuteman, if this was manually curated, then, someone didn't think that it was important to include #religion.
That would be more disturbing !
its a pretty easy question and the answer is
God didnt allow so!
God is here on steemit ? ;D
he is everywhere :P
That's right ! 😂
There are some known bugs in the tags plugin for steemd that aren't returning correct data used to show trending tags. Several other tags have noticed they weren't showing up in the trending tags when they should have. I will make a note that religion is also not showing up.
Thank you very much, it's the answer I needed to hear !