These are badges for the every day Steemian. The minnows. The average bear if you will.
As long as you don't comment "f4f" because then these badges aren't for you. In all seriousness, these are just for fun but I do invite people to use them. Add a little humor and silliness to your blog with these badges.
Because not all of us have a ton of steem power and we still deserve badges right? Okay, maybe not but these ones are rainbows! How fun is that? :D Don't worry about if you worked hard for them just enjoy the rainbows and show your minnow pride.
Without further ado I present to you these consolation badges!

I really hope you guys enjoy the badges!
Sometimes, it is nice to slow down the seriousness and have a bit of fun. This was my idea for some light-hearted fun for my fellow Steemians. Let me know what you think of the badges and tell me if you want more funny badges to be added in the future. If enough people enjoy these I will keep making them. Also, consider resteeming if you like them to get them around Steemit. ^_^ No pressure tho. Use them with no obligation or just ignore them.

Thanks, I'm so proud to have earned these badges, 😊. Haha
I'm defiantly going to use these on my posts.
That is awsome. You have some talent girl. Just not too sure how to use or put a badge in my posts. Now go get some sleep. LOL
hehe you can just copy the direct link to the image. Like right-click and hit "copy image address" and just post that at the bottom of your blog. You may also want to center it though. For that you just type this:
...with the imagelink.jpg being replaced with the badge image of course. :)
Why thank you for taking the time to explain this, I have been on here for almost a year and still don't know a lot of things.
If you just type "Steemit formatting" into google many good blogs come up. :D
Thank you
Omg thank you for the center thing, couldnt figure that out.
click here!This post received a 1.0% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @lauralemons! For more information,
You're a good person and I want good things for you :)
These consolation badges as she put it are hilarious and good spirited funnnnnnnn!!!!
hehehe thanks.
yeah really cool
Staying up to make silly badges gives me good person points!? :D Thanks!!
He ain't pretty.You made @holoz0r look pretty; and trust me.
You weren't in the office today, I scrubbed up so nice, people thought I had a job interview.
:O Oh snap. That is cold! I think he is pretty!
...because you're a good person.
I guess I need a badge too!
Definitely. :D
I love how it is multicoloured.
Instils a sense of optimism when you look at it.
Great Job!
The little guys have to stay optimistic! :D
cute badges, you have been upvoted!
Thank you :D
Haha fun stuff
Thank you :)
Nice job, keep making more! Worth it! ^^
Thanks. I just hope people see them. ^_^ I definitely like making them.
umm... What f4f stands for? :/
follow 4 follow. Seems a lot of new people come on and post that on blogs and that is not how things work around here. :) This ain't instagram. heh
Oh... I never understood that...if you do this... "exchange", you're followers won't give a shit about what you write and you don't get nothing except a big number on your profile...
Exactly. Totally useless and irritating and shows you don't care about anyone's blog either. :)
Very creative! Rainbows are always fun. :D
hehe Thanks. :D I definitely felt rainbows were needed.
Thanks! That's really kind of you.
You're welcome. :)
Oh my gosh these are so cute O___O I love them!
hehe thank you :D
Nice looking badges. Thanks.
I feel the need to have one of these on a little white flag.
My voting power is still drained, but I had a huge smile on my face reading these badges, I think this is awesome!!!
I am still smiling, what is this??????
(: (:
Nice job LL!!
Thanks. :D I just wanted some badges for the minnows. hehehe
Check my post reply on my page I sent you , I am excited, I can totally use ALL these badges now!!!
I haz made the progress!!!
I am not seeing which reply you are referring to. I will go try to find it. hehe :)
Thanks. I am glad you also get a kick out of them. XD
I really love your art! Those badges are desperately cute. I'd love to eventually see a badge that I could wear :)
hehehe That's a cute idea. :D Thank you!
No problems! If you do decide to create one at any point drop me a comment :)
Okay will do! :D
Haha! These are great! :D Cheers @lauralemons!
Thank you. :D
Bwahaha, these are great @LauraLemons! I am so happy that you are part of this community.
:D Aw...thanks. <3
Love these badges :)
Thanks. XD They are funny. I use them now. haha
Great job!
Thank you :)
I LOVE these!! The "mom loves you" totally cracked me up.
Thanks for making these! I'd love to see more of your creations! :)
I love this. I think I qualify. It took me a little too long to even figure out what f4f meant. Had to phone a friend actually
hahahaha Did you LITERALLY phone a friend? XD
I asked my steemit advisor. Husband
I am a bit steem challenged, I still can't explain to people what blockchain cryptocurrency is, Magic unicorns that fart money in cyberspace?
Well, that's about where I am too. I had a friend ask me where the money comes from and I was like.....going around in circles trying to answer and finally was like "Um, maybe read the white page?" XD I should have went with the magical unicorns that fart money in cyberspace. I think that works for me. :D
can you make me some badges like this? i really like them. let me know what price...
You mean ones specific to your acct or like actual 3d badges you can wear? XD
oh i suppose i got confused....i think it wouldn't make sense if i added them...
I think stickers would be cool.....i like this new direction you're going.....have you thought of drawing characters? You do have a way of drawing that I really like.....maybe we need stickers?
I can make you some special badges for your steemit if you want. I'd just want to know what you want on them.
Stickers is a good idea....The only reason I haven't gotten into making sticker art is lacking the upfront cost of ordering many vinyl stickers. I just spent $1,500 from steem earnings on a PC so now I am all tapped out but I could plan on ordering a bunch in the future? Usually to be worth it cost wise you need to buy bulk, then I could offer them for steem. :)
characters hmmm... I made cartoon me like is at the bottom of my blog and I cartooned @holoz0r
i meant drawing some steemian friends......
I am bad at printing stuff in bulk. If i can use your design for a few shirts, that would be awesome. what payment do you want for using the design?
I drew @holoz0r so I am def open to drawing more friends. I also drew @alexbeyman. I also offered to draw other people for a small fee but not too many takers so for now I just draw people when I get inspired. I will probably draw my pal @stitchybitch too. :)
Oh you mean just for a few tees for you and your daughter or whatever? Yeah, that's totally fine. :) I thought you wanted to like mass produce them for Steemit. hehe XD
nah, i don't have a long enough attention span for that...i will start with our you have a higher resolution file?
Don't worry about paying me but I may want to send you the larger files with transparency. Do you have an email I could send the PNG to? You can send it to me on if you want. Just to make sure the design looks nice. I hope it is actually big enough. I think it is....
ill send you on steemit chat..ok great.
I'll go try it on a shirt and make sure it looks good. I am not sure if I went with a smaller DPI due to still having this laptop that freezes when I open photoshop. If so I can just redo it when I get my new PC next week and make it bigger. :)
Really awsome. Great badges 😊
Great to see someone come up with something like this. Upvoted
These are fun.
Creative post, thank you for providing good information for us in steemit. I start now following you. Please upvote me, thanks for the good cooperation.