Very entertaining. I also see dangers presented towards keeping the trash off Steemit. With the model like it is how can you keep it genuine. Facebook may actually present a more sincere community if developers dont make the necessary scaling modifications to cut out the spam and encourage quality thoughts and comments.
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Thanks for the reply,
I agree the trash builds, especially those advertising.
My thought is Small Communities will help, and a "Ban the BOT Campaign" so that real people find real content and Vote, so we have a more equitable platform.
I think this site - chainBB has a good chance to succeed, but it will need lots of Volunteers and eventually paid workers.
Nice! Chain-BB is interesting to me, thanks for the reference. I feel like there's so much out there, something new to learn everyday! I tend to write a lot of reviews (i've written a few about bots) and I'll admit I look for the positive attributes about what I'm writing about. Maybe it's a biased writing style but what can I say, I'm a positive guy!
Me too, normally very positive. Maybe you would like my @hermitthewriter/good-news-stories
My opinion on Bots, you can quote me....they have a place, but not Voting, commenting or replying here on the Steem Blockchain.
I began to look over your work but got sidetracked, will try again soon.