Should I Use My Real Face On Steemit?

in #steemit7 years ago


I've been struggling with this, to be honest.

I'm a pastor and I originally told myself that I'd never use my real face; certainly not my real name. What would my church members think if they discovered me on here? Would it change what they think about me? Could it affect my ministry somehow?

I'm currently at some Minister's meetings with about 100 other pastors. I drove up with two other pastoral buddies of mine and I asked their opinion about this.

One of them asked, "well, are you doing anything wrong? Are you saying anything mean or immoral?"

"No," I responded.

"Then what's the problem?" he asked. "You're teaching people about leadership and life. That's a good thing!"

I think a part of me wonders about it because you can publicly see how much each post has earned.

"What if my account takes off and I start to make some significant cash from Steemit?" I thought out loud to him.

But then my friend responded by saying that pastors write books and make money from them all the time. No one thinks anything about that. They get invited to speak at conferences and some are given very generous honorariums.

It's true.

Here on Steemit, it seems that there are people on different sides of the boat.

There are people like @trafalgar and @gavvet who just use avatars. They are completely anonymous. Though @trafalgar did use a small photo of himself for a time being. My friend, @shadalene, recently joined. She used her real face for a few days, but I see is using an avatar again.

Then there are people like @fisteganos and @prettydecent and @hebrewhousewife who show their faces but don't use their names.

And then there are people like @jerrybanfield. He uses his real face and his real name. Everything is public! I rather admire that.

Here's what I'm thinking.

I think I'm going to start using my face for two reasons. First, I think it's tough to connect with a symbol or avatar. I'm a people person. I like to connect with others. Second, I'm thinking of starting to make little videos on @dtube. I'll write a blog post on a topic and then also make an accompanying video for some of the posts. And it'd be a little weird to hide my face while making a video!

@prettydecent <~~~~~~~~~~actually inspired me, so thank you!

So what do you all think? What would you think if you discovered your Pastor or Imam or other spiritual leader on Steemit? Would it change what you think about him or her? I wouldn't reveal my name, but should I reveal my face? Let me know in the comments below.

[image by Andrew Worley]


Go for it, use your real face there's nothing wrong with what you're doing...
There would always be someone who would criticise you, we all have some people like that...
Should you really care though? Especially if you're not the wrong one!
You, me and everyone else have been giving the power to spread our messages across the world, why not use it.
Don't be thinking about money or anything else petty.
You're here to help people i think, teach them something. If that's the reason why. You're here then forget the rest and enjoy your journey.
God gave us a beautiful life let's not waste it worrying about useless thing which are not under our control. 🙏
Sorry if I came out to strong with my opinion!
I want you to enjoy steemit as you like! 👍

I appreciate your opinion. Yeah, I think you're right. One of the things I've discovered about myself is that I'm a teacher to the core. I learn something and then I want to pass it along. So think I just might do it :)

....And that's just how you should be....
Awesome keep at it brother! 😊

Agreed. Don't worry what people say. So long as what you are posting are things that you consider useful or important, then who cares what people think.

Mmmmm...then how about you doing it as well? ;)

Hahaha!!! I started out that way but ended up with my "light bulb" logo because it was easier to overlay on my graphics. Guess it was just my laziness.

Gotcha. Maybe one day.

I find your situation interesting. My dad is a pastor for a christian motorcycle club known as the Bond Slaves in Princeton, MN. I know that money is often tight for him and had thought about introducing him to the world of cryptocurrency in some capacity or another.

I just recently discovered this community and platform and this is really the first post I read and up until now I hadn't thought about crypto with a face attached to it but you bring up an interesting point. I get that you are very aware of your public image and how it may be interpreted but I would have to agree with the "if it doesn't harm anybody" school of thought.

Hell, if I came across my pastor in this realm or anything crypto it would make me respect him even more. Now we have a connection beyond that of a spiritual nature. We have both a social and financial connection that much of the congregation may never share or even be aware of. It does give a view to the other side of the mirror when it comes to any future conversation with my dad about crypto and possibly this platform and all the things that would be at play for him if he ventured into the land of Cryptopia.

I honestly can't think of a real negative in a parishioner finding out or stumbling across your image or name in here, other than the visible money aspect. I couldn't imagine someone getting offended about such a thing enough to go as far as losing respect for you, stop going to the church because of it or accusing you of stealing money from the offering plate to support your crypto habit. In fact I'm just the opposite. It makes me want to go to your church. Where you located? I want to go to the Crypto Church.

My advise to you would be to go ahead and do it. Put your face out there. Anyone that's going to be on this site would be of like mind and you would be in good company. I don't see them taking offense.

Gosh, if cryptocurrencies were around when Jesus was alive, I wonder what coin he would buy. Maybe he'd have his own coin. Maybe instead of turning water into wine he could turn my 5000 dogecoin into 5000 bitcoin. Haha. Just thoughts.

Wow, very cool on all counts. Honored to be the first post you read on this platform. So welcome aboard :)
And cool that your Dad is a pastor of that motorcycle club.

You've given me a lot to think about and I'm glad to hear it wouldn't be offensive to you. Think I might do it!

So what about you? ;)

Sometimes I feel like I put myself out there way too much but then I "love" people and I'm trying to build a community so it's almost impossible for me not to put my face out there. I guess at the end of the day, it all depends on what you intend to achieve.

You know you could still make videos without showing your face yeah?

Thanks for the response. Yeah, I also love people and have a burden to pass along useful information and teach things that will make their life better.

Concerning the video, you mean by just doing a voice over? Do you have an example of someone who you think is doing it well?

Originality is just the needed recipe. You know what you want, you understand what's needed to be done already, using your face isn't a bad idea, as a matter of fact its better. I use avatar too, and i switch to my real image as well.. It all depends on what you are comfortable with.

So you switch back and forth? How does that work? How often do you stick with one or the other?

Yes i switch back and forth, as a matter of personal interest because i'm comfortable with it, and as long as my follower could be able to tell i am the same person, its a win win. Last time i checked, my followers kept growing my friend. Do not worry of the outcome, just do what makes you feel comfortable. Okay?

Thank you for the counsel, my brother.

You are most welcome

It is up to you if you wish to be known or not ☺ we are just here to support you.

Thank you for the kind thought and support. But what would you feel if you discovered your Pastor, Imam, or other spiritual leader was on here? Would you think differently about him or her? Or it wouldn't make a difference to you?

It would not change. I view every individual important not because of their titles. Everyone is special.

Got it. Thanks.

I struggled with the same thing. I decided to use my face and name. If we cannot be honest on a social media platform then what's the point. That's my opinion

Gotcha. Makes sense. Do you think it makes any difference if a pastor is doing it?

My humble opinion is as a pastor you already live in a fishbowl. Think it would be worse if people found out you were online with an alias and not being truthful with who you were. Again just my opinion. Sure you will make a good decision

All your followers don't all have the same belief..some won't be cool seeing you on this platform others won't have a problem with it but using an avatar is cool..not everyone has to know what you do and what you don't do

That's true. I guess I was wondering from the video perspective, because I was thinking of making some accompanying videos, so it'd be hard to hide my face.

I recommend everyone use their real name and their real face.
The blockchain is going to last a very long time; and only offers the illusion of anonymity.
Who knows what tools your great grandchildren will have at their disposal.
Your steemit identity and your meatspace identity can collide at any moment.
I elected to be me from the outset. Keeps me honest, and helps me sleep at night :)

Wow. Good for you. That's admirable. People will sometimes search my name when they want to find sermons to watch online. And I suppose I don't want to confuse people if they're searching around and then see all this other Steemit stuff. But, you're right, I love the idea that it keeps you honest and helps you sleep well at night :)

I'm fascinating by what you said, that it "only offers the illusion of anonymity." I'm still new to this blockchain stuff. I guess there's ways to still find people out, you're saying, if someone is motivated?

There aren't currently ways for people to tie your identities together; but there may be tools available down the track, and 3 seconds after you post, it's on the steem blockchain for generations.
I'd hate to be a dropkick on here for a decade, then watch as somebody posts the real identities of the top 100 dropkicks onto the blockchain.
Best to avoid the whole thing and be me from the outset :)

I had to look up what dropkick meant ;)

I agree with you. I'm basically just going to treat this as if it was completely public as if I was using my real name. I won't share anything I wouldn't mind becoming public. It's sort of a general principal I always try to abide by with social media.

here name is not important face as well. is it mostly important some business idea or policy can be developed and other thinking is published as a open social platform ..:)

Thanks for your perspective.

There is nothing wrong using your real face and name on steemit except you are doing something wrong e.g; posting something immoral and deceitful

For sure. That's the plan. Always be honest and above board.

Smiles... use your real face, lets see you 😊

Maybe soon :)

Smiles... we will be waiting friend

Ok, this is me! I just posted a video on my latest post.

Running to check... smiles

Your sincerity is key and that is your leverage. So, just ensure to keep your content on point and unambiguous enough so as to reach your target audience effectively. No need hiding your face boss.

That's good. Appreciate it.

I think the advice from your friend is quite right! On the other hand, it doesn't make any difference to me if I interact with a person using their face, or an avatar. It is the content of their blog that is important to me.

Mmmm...interesting. Good.

Three Points:

  1. As a Pastor, you're paid a salary to disseminate content to your audience on a stage in front of an audience.
    As a Steemian "Pastor" or , you would be paid by your audience. This is not a bad system, so long as you stay true to yourself and to God. If not, the danger can be that you become a "clapping seal" Pastor. Knowing what will tickle the ears of your audience in order to get more "UpVotes". Being a salaried Pastor, your shielded from that and can speak the entire truth, even if it's offensive and not worry about your salary.
  2. Don't post anything that you woudln't say on stage in front of your church audience.
  3. Steemit, dTube or dSound should be viewed as a vehicle to diseminate information. The vehicle is not the problem, it's the content. Which beings us back to point #2. This should be an opportunity to share information with a wider audience, that otherwise you would not have.

lol...I like it. For sure. Though my goal here is simply to pass along other leadership insights and lessons that I wouldn't ordinarily write about on my persona blog. So, for me, this is just another outlet for my writing and goes into one of my philosophies on the purpose of writing and blogging in general—to learn and process in a deeper way.

just use your real face, there is no big deal about it... kindly follow back tho and check out my posts

Cool, thanks.

I believe using your real face helps people connect with you on a more personal note, in making decisions that concern this platform it helps their "bias"

There’s no reason to hide who you are! And, pastors need to make money, too!

Thanks for the encouragement.

AHHHH so happy to see that you mentioned me! I am so excited to see what you create. I definitely think there's value in letting people see ~behind the mask~, though I too struggle with this same question. For me, Steemit provides just enough anonyminity from casual friends or internet passerby that I'm comfortable showing my face and being myself (a rare feat for the Internet).

You're welcome! Like I had said, your video inspired me. And I think you're right: Steemit does seem to provide that happy medium. I'm not using my real name. And I'm not announcing this on any of my other social media platforms. This is completely different; separate. So, yes, let's be ourselves!

Hi @leaderinsights. I'm a pastor too and honestly never even considered using anything but my real name and face. I find this discussion very interesting, and I know I am way too late to add any value with an upvote. But I'm glad about the conclusion you came to since it is too late to change now. I started with my face (not necessarily a plus) and name (foreign to many) out there.

Hope to learn from you as we seem to have similar focuses here and there.

Hey, very cool! Yeah, Glad to meet you digitally. I do use my real name on my personal blog, but I really wanted to have a platform where I could write about other kinds of topics without fearing what people might think of me :)

For sure, look forward to learning from you as well. Blessings!

Yeah, I get that now. And it makes sense. Happy steeming. Hope to run into you again.

Thanks for the mention! I know this post is a month old, but I finally found a way I can check for my mentions. Oofta, there are some from 3 months ago and I had no clue :(

Yeah, no worries :)

By the way, my recently learned about a great free app called Steemify. It's super simple and basically gives you a notification on your smart phone if someone likes, comments, replies, etc, to something you did on Steemit. You can change all those settings, of course, but it's made it a lot easier for me to know what's happening.