Congratulation @yasu24 on reaching 700+ followers! That's an wonderful Steemit journey.
おめでとう@ yasu24が700人以上のフォロワーに到達しました! それはすばらしいSteemitの旅です。
Congratulation @yasu24 on reaching 700+ followers! That's an wonderful Steemit journey.
おめでとう@ yasu24が700人以上のフォロワーに到達しました! それはすばらしいSteemitの旅です。
Thank you.I followed @legendchew. I think your Japanese is good. Can you understand japanese?
My Japanese not as good as you think, I usually use translator to type it. 私の日本語は良くない, 私は翻訳者を使ってあなたとチャットをします.
That is surprising. I thought it was Japanese (lol)