I must thank you for all your previous honest work first. As the article said competition is healthy. But elbowing and conflict isn't.
The best strategy is to be wise and outwit the competition and be better than your competition. I remember a story that my professor told us in college. They made three programs to see which one is most successful in a card game. One wouldn't cheat (golden rule), one would cheat all the time (bronze rule), and the third one would be adaptable and would cheat or not cheat depending on the certain circumstances (silver rule). By the end of the test most value was accumulated by silver one. That story teaches us about real life, because most important thing is to adapt to the current situation. I generally go by the golden rule and I'm always ready and happy to pay the price for that (my wife hates me for that). Silver rules persons or companies have wit and cunning to be best in terms that there are.
So I would conclude if u have competition it's healthy to fight them fair, and in order to be better than them, you have to outsmart them or occasionally use your position and cheat to survive.
Even Darwin proved that its survival of the fittest.
I think a nuance to Darwin's choice of the word "fittest" that most people fail to acknowledge (or notice) is that it doesn't always mean "strongest" or "most aggressive."