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RE: What do you think of pornography on SteemIT?

in #steemit7 years ago

Nice post. I personaly dont mind it that much but if this trend catches it can be very harmfull for steemit community. Some easily offended people will stop using steemit just because of that. So they need to find a solution. Maybe more flag options.. like "move to porn" that need only 3 user votes to process or something like that.


I dont like easily offeded people. So it's perfect for me if the go away. Sex and porn is part of life, very important part of life and I dont understand why people has problem with it. And from my experience these people are bigger problem for community than good pornographic post.

True but if I want to see porn I can go somewhere else. Porn posts on Steemit are a bit like if random articles about crypto, life, food would show up on my pornhub homepage :D That would ruin my experience :D

:D Ok, but there are posts which ruin my experience from steemit much more than porn. Plagiarism, posts about Bitcoin (Steem, Eth...) price changed from 1569 to 1569.1, recipes, bad photos, 1 sentence articles about nothing....

Thats kinda what i mean, i don't mind it so much. But some people might mind it more than others and it might stop people from wanting to post here. I think a system should there too.

yeah.. also only about 1 of 10 people who try steemit stays and first couple hours (days at max.) are crucial. Wall full of porn gives new user a very bad first impression...

Exactly, if someone doesn't already understand the platform it could definitely push them away. I hope in the future steemit staff takes a stronger look into this.

yeah but not too strong tho... we dont want censorship in steemit.

of course, not too strong at all. Just maybe some better filtering.