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RE: Operation Even Flow - @hendrix22's Proposal For Steemit Equality - We Need A Fucking Hard Fork!

in #steemit7 years ago

As much as this is an issue, there's the other issue of legitimacy, regarding content. There's so much content, most of it being garbage, that it overwhelms new users. I recommended Steemit to a few people now, I haven't been on the platform very long, but none of them stayed due to plagiarism, poor writing, and the circle jerking (as you called it). For instance, your article has proper grammar, is clear and succinct with its intention, therefore legitimizing you as a contributor. The vast majority of users damage Steemit's image by failing at these. The most important aspect of crypto is to have a product...maybe not at first, but eventually users or buyers will catch up to the reality of what the product actually is, whether it's a good product or a poor one. Steemit certainly needs changes. It wouldn't be difficult for another company to emulate their product. And in accordance to your qualms with voting, this is something that has to be done in order to allow for a better market of voting. Good post.