Seriously, I did not expect this happened. It was a termendous feeling when I was requested to attend radio talk. I had to prepare my self long before I come to this station. It squeezed my mind when I imagined my voice would be on air and listened by many people around the city. It was kind a challenge for me to promote steemit through radio broadcast and indeed, it was also my responsibility to introduce steemit to society. Gladly, I was not alone there, @kemal13 and @rismanrachman accompanied me and helped me to answer the questions from radio reporter.
Steemit has been regarded as the influence platform and truly effected the productive individual across the cities. Banda Aceh was doing great job to promote steemit with radio broadcast. The radio station was the best place to promote steemit, and they eventually did a perfect job. As a curator I was quite happy attending the steemit promotion through the air. I shared my perspective about steemit, and you know, steemit was well welcome by community members in town.
This radio station is located in Penayong Banda Aceh, Aceh Province Indonesia. Its name Antero, and it is very famous radio station in Aceh. As the first experience of airing, I was a bit awkward while I tried to address my knowledge on steemit correctly. The radio interviewer came with the question about steemit stuffs, community development, and the importance of being a community steemit member.
Radio station was the best media to promote steemit, and it was an awesome breakthough to lift up steemit platform on the air. I was proud for being part of radio talk. It is noted that steemit has been a very famous platform in Indonesia. No doubt, day by day the new comers come to be a part of steemit members. It drives people to participate on steemit due to the promotion is continously conducted by each regional member.
The steemit was finally on air, and it was the right time to acknowledge people to be aware of the importance media that is being around society. It gives a crucial advantage to many productive individuals, even so, the promotion must be regarded as the importance way to let them know about the steemit and how this platform is used wisely. I am really expecting that this such promotion will be followed by other regional community members. Let's make it fly over the air of Indonesia. Believe me, in the near future steemit will go on TV.

Smart work @levycore, I will support you😊.
salam alikom
lets click
Luar biasa mantapp
sangat menyenangkan bisa membangaun komunitas steemit seperti ini
good job indonesian
Mantap @levycore always goodlyck for you..
Mantap that postingan2 droneuh Bg..Tolong neu bantu kamoe juga yg manteng2 ubeut bak steemit nyoe.
Salam keu bg kemal dari lon Tuan : Tgk Rijal Aron BlangBlahdeh..Kawang seangkatan di SMAN 1 Lsm dulu. Kebetulan kami di 3 Ipa 6..
Steady @levycore, you have a lot to promote about this steemit, but there is one question for you, hopefully you give answer and good solution, the question is this, why curator indonesia @levycore, and @aiqabrago, it's hard to vote on hasuse tag indonesian, is it only for people close to him who get votes, sometimes people expect the voice from @aiqabrago, so there is value on the post but hope it is very far, please advice and answer from you
Jangan pernah mengeluh untuk itu, kreativitas seseorang dalam menunjukkan karya terbaik bukan semata untuk memaksa orang lain untuk melihatnya. Semangat dan kerja keras adalah kuncinya, berpikir positiflah untuk semua karya yang anda buat dan terus termotivasi dengan karya positif dari anda...
tepat sekali seharusnya kurator hanya berpihak pada postingan bagus , banyak orang indonesia mengeluh akan hal ini , postingan nya bagus tapi sayang tidak di vote kurator negara sendiri dan aneh terlihat postingan biasa saja namun orang terdekat kurakor maka akan di vote hahah ini lucu sekali
very amazing article post
good work
good luck always steemit Indonesia
a big improvement :)
Wow .. That's amazing. I am also deeply moved when steemit starts flying over Indonesia. And will be famous in all corners of the country. We are waiting for live broadcast promo steemit on television. Thank you @levycore Your struggle is very beneficial for the people in Indonesia. You are a super human that is very useful for the people of Indonesia. Good luck always for you @levycore.
curator steemit smart from indonesia, follback me.
woe luar biasa promo steemit in radio @levycore Salam KSI
Sukses menyertai para curator indonesia @levycore, @kemal13, @rismanrachman.
Luar biasa promosi steemit sudah sampai ke Radio.
salam kepada kurator indonesia @levycore
alhamdulillah bang @levycore
wah ... wah ....
Steemit sudah mengudara di Radio ....
Sesegera mungkin akan segera di Televisi ...
Mudah- mudahan cepat terlaksana bang @levycore Dukungan dari saya khusus Aceh - Lhokseumawe bang @levycore
salam @sultan-aceh
Ini keren abis @levycore
Stemmit tak lama lagi akan jadi viral.
keren bang, bangga dengan abang yang mampu memperkenalkan steemit sampai kestatiun radio yang ada diaceh. @levycore
Salam hangat asal saya dari Medan.
Steemit sudah mulai mengudara, semoga makin jayaLuar biasa bg @levycore
pelan tapi pasti, menjadi media baru yg populer
Good work. There are many people out there who will help.
Steemit was finally on air
Great work
Very great brother @levycore promo steemit soar into the air, and also brother @rismanrachman and brother @ kemal13 who has accompanied the Indonesian Curator. One word from me. Extraordinary.
Luar biasa, steemit mulai masuk pembahasan media, sebelumnya Koran Harian Rakyat Aceh, sekarang radio Antero 102 FM, bravo steemit.
Wow, luar biasa...
Semoga berjalan lancar dan sukses selalu...
Salam @levycore...
I believed the dreams will comes true, Where Steemit became one of the flathform can change the world and build creative generations. It's really good news Mr. @levycore.
Warm regards from #Taiwan
Komunitas Steemit Indonesia (KSI) Chapter Banda Aceh luar biasa, Steemit keluar dari alam maya terus mengudara,.. Kalau chapter Aceh Utara dan Lhokseumawe dari alam maya keluar dalam bentuk tertulis di media cetak/koran beberapa waktu lalu waktu banjir.. Ini perlu menjadi motvasi bagi Steemians daerah lain di Tanah Air. Steemit ini harus nyata dirasakan manfaat oleh masyarakat luas.
Iya, nanti KSI Chapter Bandung akan mengikuti jejak sahabat steemian Aceh. Kami sedang bergerilya sekarang bersama teh @mariska.lubis dan kawan-kawan.
Sukses selalu buat kita semua.
Boleh tanya bang @levycore ,yang baju outih bang kemal ya?
i always support you ...nice work boss @levycore..
very nice and i love reading your article
What a job guys (Y)
Semoga tetap konsisten dan sukses selalu @levycore
Sukses selalu buat Mas @levycore
mantap that, @levycore luar biasa, sangat inspiratif, mhn pencerahan keu junior ..
very amazing @levycore
Mantap, steemit on air. Pajan na dilhokseumawe bang
good job @levycore
hmmn... nice job..
mau dunk gabung, mohon upvote nya ya..
Sukses buat stemian indonesia
Ini bagus!!!!
something that is done with sincerity and persistent hard work will certainly produce sweet results.the spirit continues curator indonesia @levycore hopefully steemit continues triumphant.
Terus semangat menyebarkan virus steemit. Kerja cerdas, kerja tuntas..
Mantap bg
Steemit bisa masuk k sgl sisi sosial.iy tdk terkungkung oleh hal2 primordialisme.. steemit melepas bayang srata dan terpenting steemit memberikan kita utk berkarya tanpa menjiplak..semoga steemit mkin mendunia dan mengudara d seluruh negri khususnya tanah kita aceh tercinta
it's a wonderful thing that everyone who hears on the radio will wonder what a steemit is. before I also ever read in post field newspaper about steemit news in langsa when friends through @jodipamungkas do meet up. I also believe that soon there will be on the news screen.
Rela berbagi ikhlas memberi, nampaknya motto yang sangat tepat untuk kita semua, sehingga kita dapat terus membangun komunitas steemit indonesia yang lebih Besar melalui promosi kepada seluruh teman dan kenalan baru kita. Respon yang positif dari semua kalangan terlihat jelas akan kemajuan setiap komunitas, apa lagi didukung oleh Kurator terbaik kita @levycore, @aiqabrago, dan teman kurator lainnya. Terimakasih sudah berbagi informasi. Salam sukses steemit indonesia.
Steemit is a movement of literacy. Building community with efforts to educate the our nation. Thank you for your great dedication @levycore