"Steemit will stagnate in a downward spiral of insincerely jerking off rich people. "
Don't look now, this is already happening:
#7 is an amazing idea.
Many of your other ideas seem to be somewhat anti-capital. I've noticed a distinct anti-capital bias on Steemit, as people seem to resent whales.
Whales have more say in real life too, and it's not as transparent as Steemit. I don't think Steemit was designed to equalize everyone's stake - not according to the white paper at least.
We need to attack the kind of systematic, large abuse that I noted in my article link above much more than we need to worry about whale stakes, IMO.
I appreciate the fact that every time you comment on my posts, your ideas are relevant and meaningful. I read your other article, and it resonated with me, because I've seen the same vacation rental posts and thought, "Oh, shit. Someone figured out they can get away with stealth advertisement. I hope this isn't the start of a trend."
I try to tell myself that increasing abuse is inevitable, means increasing user interest, and may not be that bad of a thing.
Unfortunately, it's hard when my posts aren't making anything anymore and copy-pasta is rakin' in the bucks.