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RE: 1500 Followers on Steemit: How We Made it Here While On the Run

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

What a story @lily-da-vine!

You are right about the homeless community and how no one wants to interact with them. I have a brother who is homeless by choice. He's a genius and can do anything he sets his mind to.

He loves being homeless and has no desire to work for the man. He says he has everything he needs and more. He is always surrounded by friends and you can tell they all genuinely care for each other.

He's been living that lifestyle for 13 years now.

In regard to Mexicans. I am part Mexican and I can tell you I have never met a Mexican or seen anyone in my family turn down someone in need.

I remember growing up we didn't have very much money. My pops would always give this homeless dude cigarettes at the gas station. Don't you know they found that dude under a bridge years later with tons of money sewed in his coat?

Just goes to show you that you can't judge people by stereotypes.

Good luck with your journey and congratulations on your milestone.


I appreciate this comment a lot. I've actually met many homeless people that fit your brothers description throughout my life. It was always a constant reminder that there's another way.

And about Mexicans, YES. So many people told me that we'd be killed or sold into slavery coming here....yet at any chance where a Mexican has had a chance to be malicious.....they've ALWAYS saved our asses. I go by experiences and I've yet to have a Mexican try to hurt me....come to think of it. Even the cops that chase me don't want to hurt me, they just want my money!

My brother was also homeless for many years, by choice, making it on the streets of Miami. Although he was smart, he was street-smarter. He saw himself as a charmer and a ladies man. However, he was a bull and could take you out if necessary. People on the street shouldn't be judged. The government could make you into a criminal at a moments notice, don't think they won't.

Continued safe travels. @lily-da-vine, you made the right choice to run, no doubt in my mind. You are the kind of person that originally made the country great. Maybe someday it will be that again, but not before a lot of people die first.

Thanks for the good will! So far it seems our efforts are better respected and appreciated south of the border, for sure!

I've been hearing this quite a bit lately. It's an odd thing to hear, I must say. I will be working on some smaller scale things to help market steemit and who knows what it could grow into. Thanks for the wonderful compliment.