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RE: Impersonation commited on Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

I agree with your points. I don't want a Facebook-like bigbrother watching over Steemit and controlling everything we do or see all for their own gain.

However, I'm going to play devils advocate about censorship. ( This is an extreame case, but for argument's sake) What happens if a Steemit user decides they want to destroy another person's life by posting their SIN numbers, Credit Card numbers, and maybe even their home address so that anyone on the internet can steal their identity? What if they post revenge porn, or secret recordings private encounters (like the person who posted the two college guys having sex, which I think one of the two guys in the video was so embarssed he commiting suicide) Do we leave all these posts up forever for anyone to see? I just don't see how "no censorship ever" can scale when Steemit is as big as YouTube or Facebook? Obviously, censorship isn't something I want either, but if someone does something wrong to someone else, should we uphold that post in the name of no censorship or step in and help that person?

Either way, I'm not really sure where I stand. I want Steemit to be as free and open as possible, but the idea of not being able to shut down a really horrible crime also bothers me.


Thanks very much for taking the time to post that reply!

I agree with the points you make - how can a social network work just based on self regulation? It's a completely crazy idea...but at the same time how has it worked up to now! I have no idea but just wanted to put some points from the other side. Let's hope it can work out somehow, is all I can say really :)