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RE: Make Steemit Great Again: Fork This Place!

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

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Today you can choose between high frequency and high influence. There's little penalty for high frequency votes, or more accurately, extreme drainage of voting power. That's all I'm trying to say! By penalizing unreasonably high voting power drainage more, we can weed out the bots and vote spammers. It'll also encourage bots to improve their algorithms and vote wisely.

(Personally, I don't have any problem with bots, but it's a major issue for the community)


Your reply is a bit confusing for me.

Imagine you decided to just say "fuck it" and started downvoting everything that came down the line. Or upvoting your own comments. Not like 40 like 200 or 400 or something in a day.

Yeah, you would pay on subsequent days down the line because it would take you 5 days regain your full power and start over. But on that one day where youre voting like a madman, you would have far more influence than you normally do.

someone like blacklist, for example, or asshole, who is only here to be a nuscience, can concentrate their nuscience-ness all into one day, by mortgaging their voting power on later days.

Im not sure im entirely convinced that any more penalty than the normal degradation of your power is necessary, but i think thats what liberosist is getting at.

Your reply is a bit confusing for me.

I understand that you want the system to be better, so do I. So we're discussing the "how".

My point is, high frequency bots already gave up influence. You want to punish them more by setting a limit on frequency? Then they'll split to several accounts then vote less frequently with each account (each achieve a "normal" frequency), but in total the frequency is same as before. So your "solution" will result in neither more nor less vote spamming, aka useless. I'm sure bots are always improving their algorithms, that strategy I just mentioned is a possible result of improvements. You keep saying that bots should vote less but vote wisely, but I'm afraid that the best algorithm they've got (after improvements) is to vote more. So, if we want to address the bot voting issue, we need to look for other solutions.

On the other hand, if we want to address the influence issue, better focus on the whales, the curve.