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RE: Ben Garrison, an invitation to start using Steemit as part of your social media presence. [Updated - Be will look at Steemit]

in #steemit7 years ago

I have also invited Ben to STEEMit, Granted it was on Twitter and my account is generally shaddowbanned so the likelyhood that he saw my invitation is slim.

Now here is another problem. My wife still post a great deal on
Fascistbook and I on occasion will share my STEEMit post on her page. Then I go to look for it and cannot find it, even for myself. She will then ask her friends if they have seen the post, as she herself is sitting there looking at it and she ask what do they think of it? They too confirm, I cannot find the post, are you sure you posted it? they ask?

So I hope Ben sees this where ever you put it because between Twatter & Fascistbook if it says STEEMit.coin the URL it will likely get buried and shadowbanned.

Otherwise it was a wonderful read and is an accurate depiction of what STEEMit is.


I think it's going to take a lot of us, hitting every social media channel there is, and hopefully if Ben doesn't see it, maybe a friend of his will.

The next step is going after Trump. I don't think bringing here would kill Twitter, but it would be a shot in the nads LOL

see my reply to JB above re:shadowbanning

Can I get a resteem on this one? It'd be much appreciated!

Oh you were reteemed already. I'm a Yuge Ben Fan, have been for a long time so anytime I see his stuff or references I take to it.

Let a message for you in your STEEM wallet.

thank you for the resteem, and voted for your witness

Thank you for the witness vote.

You know I have been trying to get other users either over here or to adopt more of the STEEMit app base.
Like Stefan Molyneux & Mike Cernovich

Perhaps we need to setup a STEEMit Bring on the Conservative Pundits Membership Drive campaign and really get a lot of people behind this to get there attention.

Stefan is pon Steemit but I have been trying to get him to dump youtube and use It seems I have gone un-noticed in his Steemit Post reply threads and tweets

this is a good idea, I'll set up a tag this PM. It benefits us by proving more American minded contributors and by boosting the platform

and we have an update

GrrrGraphics BenGarrison Cartoons tweeted @ 27 Jan 2018 - 19:25 UTC

@jbgarrison72 Looking now thanks!

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

@nxtblg provided us with a direct contact form

This is what activism looks like in action