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RE: Can you plagiarize yourself? Should we repost steemit articles after payout? Let's discuss.

in #steemit9 years ago

reuse of the product of one's own labor cannot be plagiarized because it is owned by the creator of it. if there is a rule about reposting,then there is a rule. the product of your own labor is your own. i came here to be free with myself and the product of my own labor. not to aggress against someone else, and tell them what to do with the product of their own labor. is there a rule? if i want to stay i will follow it. is there a rule about what i can do with the product of my own labor. i can feel how unpopular i'm getting right now. are we free? i thought this was a den of voluntaryists. it would be aggressing to try to jam up the system by posting something 100 times in a row. that, i would agree to flag. poets have long used repetition as part of their art. maybe you've seen something like that recently? not trying to piss anyone off but to make a point. yeah, it seems to mess with the payout thing. maybe mark it a repost and disable the upvote for people who have voted on it before? do new people get a vote on old content? is something that was of value still of value? if i went to the police and tried to press charges against myself for stealing from myself, what would they do? what would the judge do? they would probably put me under observation, a psychological hold, say 48 hours. no, you can't steal from yourself. any argument that says you can, sounds like sophistry. it is something to think about very seriously, though. if steemit is as successful as i hope it will be, can you imagine having one tenth of one percent of one billion people reposting once a week? mind blowing. it kind of reminds me of pool, the game, when you play on a coin operated table, the rules change. you can't pull balls back out of the pockets. so, that is where capitalism meets the rules of a game of pool. maybe a repost channel with limits that include disabled voting. i don't know am i just being annoying? anyone?