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RE: Nasty individual on Steemit

in #steemit8 years ago

Meh, I don't care.

Free speech is free or it's not.

I don't approve of these posts, but I would never let the 'consensus' define what is offensive for me.

The majority of any consensus are ignorant and mostly unintelligent. If I let the 'consensus' define my speech, or the content that is acceptable or not, I would already be dead.



Followed for the brutal awesomeness.

Thanks for the follow. You've been followed as well.

I struggle with the brutal nature of the truth. Some of the things I've said, from my best assessment of the truth, I wish I'd never thought, but regardless of my feelings, the facts remain, no matter how many people believe incorrectly.

Nice, Our "truth" changes as we learn more.

This account is basically to make fun of the easily offended and to point out how retarded they are so you might end up unfollowing and if so i understand perfectly. The comment sections of my posts are where the real fun happens, but alot of people still dont get the idea of posting something shocking to get a conversation started.

Thank you again for the follow.

Mostly, our ability to comprehend and act on the best picture of the objective truth that we can muster, in earnest.

Oh, I've followed your blog for a while. Please don't think I need an explanation, I enjoy it.

I have been on less frequently, recently. I haven't been keeping up.

That's great!
I have taken a break a couple times already, It's good to step away from the ignorance once and a while to clear up the mind.
I'm expecting I will need one in a day or two with the nonstop crap from this last week.

Battling ideological trolls can be repetitive and tedious, still, it hones the skills of argument.

The break has been good. I hope to jump back in soon.

Repetitive would be the main word to me.
Same failed arguments on the same subject so many times they all sound like the same person.

Do a cannon ball when you jump in and make a splash and some waves.

I agree with free speech but I also agree with morals, if everyone said what they felt openly we would have an awful world, Imagine a world where you walk down the street and say you had terrible burns on your face and some person like the individual in question starts screaming at you how ugly you are and you should just kill yourself, then you have people fat shaming people walking openly, others shouting the N word, others picking on disabled people etc etc. I respect your view that free speech should be free but I think theirs a fine line between free speech and abuse to be fair.

Non the less thank you for your comment.

Having been mercilessly bullied for most of my life, I can say that I'd rather have the freedom of speech than not be called names.

Also, those who commit suicide do it because they are suicidal, not because they are called names. I've never been suicidal for one second out of my whole ad hominem riddled life.

The fine line between free speech and abuse is a hard line that can be demonstrated in court. It is the difference between those simply called names, and those who can demonstrate physical or financial injury.

That's awful to hear and I can totally relate as I was bullied most of my younger years but I have to admit had someone taught them kids and stopped them from name calling I would have grown up differently, the damage name calling causes is subject to the individual.

I also have never been suicidal due to bullying but it affects others differently, I hear so many stories of people trolled on facebook and social media and have died by suicide because it has affected them profoundly. That is why I think people should have free speech but use that privelidge with morals and respect for others whom it may affect.