Because of you and the Steemit platform, I get to dream about something that I thought was never going to be possible after over two years of grinding away on YouTube - I can start thinking about moving out of my dad's house!

This is a big thank you and group hug to every one of my 500+ followers who are making the impossible dream now seem possible.
This time two years ago, I was selling Porsche's in the SF Bay Area at the end of a 12-year career selling exotic cars, including 10 years with Ferrari of Beverly Hills and Ferrari Silicon Valley. The money was pretty good, but after a dozen years and after having recently learned the truth behind 9/11 and many more massive deceptions pulled on us by the powers that be, I suddenly was dragging myself to work in the morning and spending more time editing the videos I was starting to make for YouTube than I was thinking about car deals.
And then the fateful day came. I was on my way to work and realized that I just couldn't take it another day. I turned around, went home and plopped my keys on the manager's desk the next morning. I was done. Never again did I want to be a part of the machine - paying taxes, spending all of my take-home pay on rent and my car payment, sitting in traffic, listening to a "boss". That part of my life was officially over. The lease on my $2400/month apartment was nearly up, so I called up my dad to see if he'd take me in while I tried to make it work on YouTube.
YouTube never wanted me on their platform and they let me know that very early on. 5 weeks into the life of my channel, Lift the Veil, and while one of my early videos was going viral, I decided to try out monetization to see if I could make money the way other YouTubers do every day. The very next day I found that my entire channel was disabled from monetization - permanently - and the traffic on my previously viral video dropped by 99%.
It was going to be an uphill climb.
I don't know what inspired me to stick with it, but for some reason I thought it was still going to be possible for me to realize my dream of telling the truth on YouTube and actually being able to support myself at the same time. For almost two years I kindly asked my listeners for donations to keep me going and was completely shocked that a few generous donors thought it was worth voluntarily parting with their money to support what I was doing.
Unfortunately, after two turbulent years on YouTube, it didn't look like my dream was ever going to become a reality.
Then, around December of last year, the value of Steem Dollars started to skyrocket. I had been posting on Steemit here and there since September, 2016, but I never put in the time and effort to really build up my following and make Steemit work for me the way it was already working for others, like my friend and fellow YouTuber @titusfrost. I should have listened to one of my earliest followers (and Steemit champion) @fulltimegeek, who was always dropping into my live chats on YouTube and telling me how great the platform was.
Blocktrades and it was then I found out that my $92 wasn't $92 at all. It was more like $260 after I swapped it for 2.6 LTC. Then, within a week, LTC soared over 200% and now the $92 in SBD that I had basically forgotten about had turned into over $750!Finally, around the end of last year, @fulltimegeek was able to convince me to at least collect the rewards I had built up over my time on Steemit. I had never even bothered to look at my wallet since the rewards seemed so small, but I found that I had $92 in Steem Dollars and I figured I might as well convert that to my favorite cryptocurrency at the time, Litecoin. @defango was kind enough to make a video walking me through how to do that with
It was then that the lightbulb went off in my head and I realized there might be something to this Steemit thing afterall. Right away I dedicated myself to getting all of my content on Steemit and DTube and bringing my subscribers over from YouTube and into this brave new world built on cryptocurrency and the blockchain.
I haven't looked back. I realize investing myself in this platform as a means of support going forward is putting faith in the future of cryptocurrency and the blockchain, but faith is something I've had to live on ever since deciding to quit my "job" and break away from the machine.
This dream couldn't be possible without you and the support you have given me, so THANK YOU and I'm looking forward to meeting a lot more new followers in 2018!
Congratulations @lifttheveil411
I followed you a while back on YT and then I found Steemit. I didn't see so much of you anymore ;)
You have done some excellent research in the past and I look forward to seeing more of it on @dtube and in your blogs.
I'm so pleased to hear that you have committed to growing your Steemit audience. This is the place to be - screw mainstream social media!
Feel free to join our discord channel Truth - Politics - Conspiracies under PAL (Peace, Abundance, Liberty). You will find friendly and awake truthers and we try to support each others content.
All truth tellers and seekers are welcome to join us!
Keep it up Nathan! Way to go!!!
Congrats on your success Nathan, your content is very informative. YouTube's loss is Steemit/DTubes gain. Nice work getting out of the rat race. I jumped out last June and have so far been able to stay out of it thanks to crypto. Hopefully this great decentralisation wave continues to sweep through society, business and politics for years to come.
NATHAN! :) I just bought A Steem Account Because of you!
thanks a Lot man this platform is awesome!!!! Youtube sucks.
Congrats , I enjoy most of your work but sometimes I have to take a break its just to much to take in.Side note, will there be any follow up to the Las Vegas shooting? Steem on !
This is great, Nathan! Congrats!
Congratulations! upvoted, followed you for support. Keep it up!
Good stuff Nathan! I'm glad your faith is so strong and finally starting to pay off for you. Much success for your future!
Nice :) i am still on 140+
Your the reason I am here*
Steem on*
I'm so happy for you Nathan. You are being true to yourself. That is a very admirable quality. You are doing what you love, helping others & the world. The universe is conspiring to help you. I believe in you. Plus Doshi is awesome! Cheers Nathan & Doshi! Resteemed
Hey Nathan,your damn right.I think all creators should move over to steemit.Its fresh and very exciting to see it grow.Unirock needs to get over here to.thanks for the great shows
I had no idea that you'd given up your job like that Nathan - kudos to you! Been watching you since your Quinn days (different name on yt) and decided to visit steemit at your suggestion in one of your videos. It is an amazing environment. I am not looking to earn out of it, just enjoying learning new stuff in my retirement. Glad you are though, you deserve to after all the slog. Hope you find a nice apartment soon.
Well done @lifttheveil411 I know you are busy so I feel a bit stupid about it now but I emailed you about advice on things I thought you could understand and maybe help me with. No worries if you can't or don't want to answer but if it's possible can you let me know if you got it? I'm an idiot and it will play on my mind... OCD isn't helping me with Steemit ATM... Writers block nightmare!
This is a really heartwarming story! Good for you! I also didn't take Steem too seriously. I got an account in the summer of 2016 but didnt look into it much until last year... I only seriously started posting 6 months ago. My initial $75.00 investment added to the $100 in rewards from posting and curating is now worth over $1000!!!! Cool eh? Now I'm at over 600 followers and I'm going to start teaching classses on how to use Steemit!
Congrats .... well done .... stay close to your family though .... you only have one family ;)
Excellent post, congratulations for your great success I follow you and I support you.
Congratulations is really a strong supporter of the steemit community! enjoy! D:
Love stories of small Steem dips turning into legitimate wealth. It’s ALL in community so glad you’ve stuck with it.
Good to hear.
Your input / take, is necessary.
like healthy gut flora
good luck
thinking outside the box. I'm used to shutting the negativity of the world out of my mind because I feel things so strongly and certain truths that are hidden from the public just ruin me inside... But I'm trying to overcome my personal strong reaction to the things that are happening so that I can use my voice to help, rather than turn a blind eye out of hopelessness.
I think Its great you did an intro post after so long, we're always changing and evolving ourselves. Everyone should probably start doing an introduction post about once a year, haha!
Anywho, happy to be following, I look forward to hearing more from you :)Hi @lifttheveil411, That's fantastic that Steemit is helping you so much, helping you spread the truth and achieve monetary stability again. Those are big things! I've been actively posting on here about a month and really having a great time
You deserve it! You help to inspire so many people and do a great job!
Congratulations on 500 Followers.
500 Followers is something medieval counts dreamed of! :D
I hope I can get there quickly, I've been farther.
Cheers and Congratz!
Awesome! Love your positive story and blog @lifttheveil Will follow to gain more great insights. Have an fabulous day.