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RE: Self ESTEEM Cultivating KINDNESS starts with YOU!

in #steemit7 years ago

And boom @barge you have nailed the new dynamic in thinking which is driving good intentioned souls towards collective and co-operative interest, as we witness daily on steemit!

And you're exactly right that the default setting for most people is gradually shifting towards what I call The Kindness Code, as evidenced by the rise in random acts of kindness and projects springing up where people give of themselves and their time selflessly.

I think people ARE tired, weary even, of the 'me me me' cults of celebrity and the lack of depth in their lives...would you agree?

Thanks SO much for adding your profound comments to this discussion and happy steeming, my friend⭐️


Hey Lily, thanks for the delightful response!

Yes I agree whole-heartedly that people are tired and weary. The old consensus-reality myths are disintegrating, revealing an unnatural and inhuman core. At the same time, people are waking up - the internet has been compared to the printing press in terms of the impact on human awareness. But people are also confused. It feels heavier and heavier to follow the self-service route; the so-called rewards are now pretty transparently hollow. The limits are clear. What else is left but to try out the alternative? Service-to-others, which, ultimately, and simultaneously, is nothing other than a higher service to self. The rewards here are uplifting and symbiotic - love just multiplies the more its given away. There's no longer anyone saying who is right/wrong - feeling and alignment guide the way.

Welcome O Beautiful New Dawn!!!


And, my friend, thank you muchly for YOUR deLIGHTful response as well. 🌝

Like you I do believe that we stand at the dawning of new consciousness, at a nexus point where many hugely important threads are meeting to create a dynamic and very different society, based on deep and profound spiritual truth.

You have also hit upon the most important "hidden" truth in the practice of kindness...that in being of service to others, we significantly increase our own joy, and our own evolvement...which uplifts us and as you say ultimately rewards us.

You use the word alignment, and this is one powerful word! When we are in alignment with our true higher selves (not the egoic construct of programmed responses and reflexive emotions) we automatically act with kindness and like any muscle the more you exercise this by consistently and continually aligning with spiritual values and truth, the kinder we will become both as individuals and as a species!

I really look forward to hearing your views and thoughts as we all move forward on this platform. I will be writing posts on all aspects of consciousness and spiritual awakening, yes, including the darker stuff that one has to dig Rumi said "the wounds are the cracks where the light can come in." It'll be an honour to have you along on this journey, thank you for joining me on this path less travelled💚

Thanks again for adding another dimension to this discussion
In peace and with love

Thank you so much Lily, I am delighted to have made a connection with you and I look forward to engaging with you as we swim along up this exciting new Steemy ocean.
See you around my friend :)