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RE: Help me - I can not login to my steemit account

in #steemit9 years ago

You have 3 different keys (passwords) for that... Have you tried all of them... You don't have just one....Have you all of them saved somewhere?
How did you created the passwords? Could it be possible some of them have spaces included? If your password is something like that:
"hgkhgkgUYUIUggukjh JHUguioho"
use the password
(until you reach the first space,the first part)You have changed posting,active,owner key


Updated password, I can login to my steemit account yesterday (POSTING, OWNER ACTIVE). But, today I can not. use a password that has at 63 character. right me password on a txt file

use a different browser for testing... what browser are you using now?

chrome, I can login to my steemit account, yesterday

firefox, too

try again but uncheck the box "keep me logged in"

uncheck the box "keep me logged in". I can not login to my steemit account

I use a password that has at 63 character