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RE: Steemit Poll: Can We Predict The US Presidential Election Winner?

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

If I were forced to bet money I still wouldn't, haha. It seems as if Trump is at least appearing to be different than the status quo. It seems that voters on both sides at least feel as if things aren't good as people have been telling us and that a lot of things need to change. That is why Trump is popular and that is why Sanders was popular. So by populous vote I think Trump wins over Hillary. Hillary isn't anything different, she is Wall St, she is a War Hawk, she is surrounded in numerous scandals through out her entire career, sound familiar? That's because she is the same as it's always been. That is why she hasn't been popular. The powers that be handed her the ticket. That being said, some very powerful forces are protecting and backing Hillary and we all know how "temperamental" those darned voting machines can be... So maybe she will win who knows.


Great Post. Thanks.

Do you think Bernie Sanders would beat Trump comfortably in a populous vote? I know he's readonably left of centre in US politics, but he seems like he could solidify the Democratic Vote in a way Hilary is not...

Bit of a shame how things have played out IMO..

Yes I think if Sanders was the nominee then we probably would see a Sanders in the white house. His supporters are very passionate about that movement. That being saidnits hard to guage how many really support Trump because of all the stigma surrounding him. I think more support him than thenpublic realize and many are secretive about it because they don't want their tires slashed or something like that.