"Your bank can flag you and freeze your account (real cash-money-dollars) at any time and for any reason, they don't have to explain it to you and they don't even have to charge you with a crime."
That is simply NOT true! There are many safeguards in place to prevent that from ever happening, at least with any kind of a reputable bank.
It is 100% true, I've seen it with my own eyes. And it was a "reputable bank" (if there even is such a thing) one of the "too-big-to-fail" banks. They cited the Bank Secrecy Act.
I couldn't pay rent or buy groceries or gas for two full weeks.
Put that on your list of things you'll never see in the MSM.
"Pa.ypal can also kick you off their platform (permanently, they have your ID) and freeze your funds for 6 months and nobody can even ask why."
I fully support PayPal and what it does...it is by far the most widely used and without exception, THE safest payment gateway on the planet, bar none.
They permanently ban people for no reason.
Pa.ypal is one of the biggest ponzi-schemes on the planet earth.
If you are currently using pa.ypal, I'd recommend exploring a backup-plan in case you get insta-banned with zero notice.