"Respect is a two-way street : if you want to receive it, be prepared to give it in return..."
"I did this in the name of the community and for nothing else ! As an example, I see some people only commenting other people's posts to earn, this is insane too, I see people paying other people to get upvotes. It's all about where we want this community to end up. And all we can hope is it will be different from the real, corrupted world. The general atmosphere is pleasant, but there are some things that can still be corrected. Everyone has to first focus on his/her own tasks and behavior, that's the only thing that matters."
"I'm not talking about people earning and collecting coins alone by any means in order to have more power to bother people they don't like. This is childish and worse than a dictatorship. I'm talking about the community as a whole."
---Some little conspiracy, one storm in a teacup, one tea-towel written : everything you need to know about my crazy week here---
Steemit might be an interesting place, we all like it, but we always have to think about improving it, as we want it to end up overrunning Facebook. Community standards are everywhere, in everyone's minds. So let's think about how to improve them. Want it or not, Facebook has some functionalities that Steemit doesn't have right now. And this must be linked with the fact we truly wanna grow up more and more as a whole, I'm not talking about people earning and collecting coins alone by any means in order to have more power to bother people they don't like. This is childish and worse than a dictatorship. I'm talking about the community as a whole.
Since I've been here on Steemit, I've seen many interesting possibilities, many interesting functionalities, but some are definitely lacking, I'm talking about private chat, for example, this is really useful, I know there is a Steemit Chat. But you must be able to have private discussions too. And you also have to be able to prevent an undesirable user from going on your profile. If we want Steemit to overrun Facebook one day, it must be added, in order to be more complete. We don't live in an ideal world, and sometimes it might just be better to have the choice to avoid some people. Not only by muting them.
Blocking should be possible, in order to avoid any type of conspiracy or harassing. This way, most problems would be eliminated even before they appear. This would be something new, but as I have heard more and more people talk about community standards and keeping the place safe, I think this can be done by innovating new functionalities. Hopefully it will soon be added, and we will interact more cleverly here, wasting less time in discussions we want to avoid, and actually focusing on what matters, without being counter-productive.
Here is a simple story that was on my mind I'm wanting to share, it is not here to offend anyone, it is here to be released and appreciated, mostly for fun, I'm here for fun, to have fun and to make people laugh anyway, and not for anything else. It could be read like an impartial view of society and its general system. I don't wanna name anyone, you will get to know who I'm talking about. Just beware who you deal with anywhere, even on Steemit. This is a friendly place most of the time though. This does not have anything to do with defaming anyone, but everything has to be clear and complete. Then I will no longer talk about it. There was a storm in a teacup that was made, and I'm gonna bring it to a close with a complete view, showing proof that some people's true colors are far from what they seem to be, especially when they are bragging about being the "messengers of community standards".
First I have to say I don't care about what everyone thinks about me, I try to do my best everyday. And those who appreciate it are welcome. I tend to avoid people who do not appreciate me, just in order to gain time. But sometimes, those people keep harassing you, even if you stop talking to them. They have nothing else planned. I am showing pictures too. Just to clear things up. This person wants to make everyone believe he is "the sheep" and I am "the wolf" ; but you have to understand the world has different types of shades. It is crazy to think in black and white like he does.
Here are the facts : due to his disappointment that he could not manage solving a little problem with me linked with a disagreement we had on one of his posts (let's call it like that : basically, I was nervous and frustrated about the customer service of most sites which was poor and literally treats you like a bandit, making long webcam videos of you holding your ID card, and he conflated this with the fact I was only in that market for the fun and a noob, what made me react in another way that I shouldn't have, it all escalated quickly, and from then on, it was all about having the last word, one of his friends eventually joining in, which complicated things even more, there was nothing personal, but from then on everyone was trying to put the other at his place instead of looking for the root of the problem that is again the poor management of the cryptoworld by most sites, where you can't do things fast), one person, along with his friend, started downvoting all my posts as a consequence of the things that happened that night and that we should have controlled. Here are the most interesting examples of how someone can embarrass himself in front of the whole community, just because he can't solve his problems alone and quickly. A lot of people appreciate me, yet they don't care, they are here for something else. I have to say I don't care either, I'm here to share content, and I appreciate downvotes if they are justified. The only thing is, maybe I got too nervous that night, I already was, I'm always very passionate about what I do and I want to manage being independent from banks and this obsolete system as soon as possible. So that's true I can rapidly get on my nerves if someone puts in the last straw. I'm always playing with my limits in a way. Most of the time, I manage controlling them. But as for what happened, I didn't expect such consequences then.
But the point is, those people also want to teach me lessons about the community standards. This is what bothers me. Like "bring peace to the place". Start with yourself first I guess. Here are the most interesting examples of what human stupidity can bring someone to, you can only laugh at the embarrassment some people are ready to put themselves into ; if jumping from a bridge allowed them to downvote me when 20 people are upvoting me, I guess they would still do it (hopefully, being ridiculous doesn't kill you) :D :
Downvoting people just because you don't like the author is both childish and against the Steemit community. But I bet they know it, as they keep talking about "respecting the community and giving it some piece of service". They did literally everything they keep saying is "bad for the community".
The truth is I went on one of his friend's blog because he put his nose into our debate, and didn't spam it, just mocked him the same way he mocked me. If he thinks he has to take his "defense" by going and spitting his stupidity on my blog with relentlessness like he has nothing else to do, then "fair enough"; people will actually judge if it is "fair enough".
I am one person from the community, they are 10 people from the community but none of us represents it as a whole when it comes to personal problems. In a nutshell, they just made a storm in a teacup acting like that, and anyone has the right to think their vision is biased, incomplete. Anyone has the right to think they're polluting the community with that kind of behavior too. It should have been solved quickly the other night. No need for that. There are more important things to do with our time and energy.
Let's have a look (and laugh) at some people's determination to downvote someone, neglecting the embarrassment they have put themselves into ; you can view all the articles, they act as proof, nothing more ; so about 20 articles.
https://steemit.com/cryptocurrencies/@loonyfool/crypto-news-ripple-bursting-my-views-don-t-get-emotional https://steemit.com/cryptocurrency/@loonyfool/crypto-alert-bitcoin-in-free-fall
https://steemit.com/crypto/@loonyfool/there-are-about-500-coins-and-obviously-some-are-real-jokes-d https://steemit.com/funny/@loonyfool/ode-to-steemit
https://steemit.com/crypto/@loonyfool/01-01-2018-cryptonews-up-everything-back-up https://steemit.com/crypto/@loonyfool/2-01-18-cryptonews-ethereum-and-iota
The conflict I had was linked with not more than 3 posts where I interacted with people ; but let's forget it ; I will laugh about that kind of details soon. I have an interesting fanbase, and if I really want to use it, I can. I have interesting hacking skills too. Just in case someone wants to mess up. In some of my next posts, I will post about it, my blog is about techniques you can use in informatics too.
You better have that knowledge as more and more of these type of people are present in that type of virtual cryptocurrency world. And you don't want to be under pressure or negotiate with "terrorist-minded" people. You want to warn people you can dedicate your time and energy, on a given day, to harm them if you really have no other choice left. You can make a comparison with most people who own guns : they are not killers. They think about protecting themselves if they have no other choice.
So here is the rag that was apparently written for me (wow, I'm flattered ! A whole article for me ! Haha).
Notice that even if it is solved now, the guy didn't have enough intelligence to solve it with me on time, quickly and without anything more done, like "normal" people do. The problem is solved now, but his greed urged him to write this before ; he probably was left with no other "constructive idea" in order to fill his blog with on that day. "Fair enough". Whatever. I'm not gonna say more. I don't wanna promote it. Just keeping my dignity here. And saving my reputation from the stains he spits.
He literally thought the dish-towel, defaming article he wrote was giving service to the community. Let's analyze that again : downvoting people just because you don't like the author is both childish and against the Steemit community. But I bet he knew it, as he kept talking about "respecting the community and giving it some piece of service". He did literally everything he kept saying is "bad for the community". It was not even about the community, it was between him and me, and maybe 10 of his friends who found it funny to get into that pointless debate. He just can't do what he did on my blog, and his other moralist friend can't do it either if they want to keep their dignity, especially if they keep bragging about "giving service to the community". That's pure bad faith.
But let's stop talking about things that don't matter. He enjoys doing that, I hate it. I want to talk to my friends, my real friends on here, the only people that are worth talking to, because Steemit is like the real world too, sometimes, you can meet people you don't appreciate.
Thanks for your support. Nobody will ever avoid me from posting content that is appreciated ! And we will grow more and more ! All the rest has to be put to bed !
At some time in the world's history, talking behind someone's back, or conspiring against someone, defaming someone, rising up people against someone, were more severely punished than now. Think about it.
Here is his picture, it is a caricature, showing how he enjoys amplifying problems instead of solving them. He fears dealing with them alone. He prefers conspiring with his friends. Shame on him. He had fun making one for me too, one that was so inaccurate it didn't look like a caricature anyway. So fair enough. An eye for an eye. First of all, I wanna say I am always respectful to people at first, many people know it, many people have my respect, I don't want to be labeled as something totally different from what I am because of someone like this man I don't wanna hear about.
Things can happen, sometimes, people don't deserve your respect. And this person doesn't deserve it. Out of more than 500 people in this community, he represents a very small, insignificant percentage (2 out of more than 500) that I actually didn't want to give my respect. I am no hypocrite. And it should be a quality. I appreciate a lot of people. I don't want him to put stains on my reputation. It is very stupid to make a post like this, but this type of guy, whining for himself, forced me to. He is just stubborn and don't wanna read anything I write anyway. In the worst case, people will think we are trying to make ourselves famous by posting that kind of stories. But I don't need that. I'm not greedy. Maybe he is looking for that. I don't care about it.
This guy has literally no knowledge or very few knowledge about the blockchain, he thinks he knows it all, posting irrelevant drafts that he gets in 2 minutes of his time. Then he thinks he can give lessons to anyone, he speaks in the name of the community, literally taking it as his hostage. It is true we had a problem, but I expected him to act like an adult, not expose it in front of all the community with the "steemit" tag. "steemit" tag deserves more. Far more. So don't fall into his trap. He thinks he is the "light of reason", he thinks he speaks in the name of humanity. Then calls me pompous. Tries to label me as a wolf in front of all his "friends", rare cowardice, to put someone in trial like that instead of having guts to just solve the problem alone.
Whatever you hear from him, especially talking behind my back, just know that it is linked with the fact he is too afraid to solve his problems alone. We had a problem, I don't feel the need to "expand" the details like he did, but hopefully this will act like a drip in an ocean of positivity. You can't get on well with everyone. As simple as that. He can think he is giving the community a service. The thing is his hatred led him to prevent the community from seeing most of my educational and entertaining posts. But again, this is not my problem if he enjoys doing that.
I have a lot of friends appreciating me and supporting me, and I posted this mainly to thank you all ! He doesn't have a quarter of the amount of followers I have here. Thanks for your support. Nobody will avoid me from posting content that is appreciated ! And we will grow more and more ! Together ! We will overrun anything on and out of here ! Unstoppable !
I did this in the name of the community and for nothing else ! As an example, I see some people only commenting other people's posts to earn, this is insane too, I see people paying other people to get upvotes. It's all about where we want this community to end up. And all we can hope is it will be different from the real, corrupted world. The general atmosphere is pleasant, but there are some things that can still be corrected. Everyone has to first focus on his/her own tasks and behavior, that's the only thing that matters.
Again I did this with no offence, I had something in mind I preferred to put into paper. It is a conclusion of something that should have been put to bed or should not have happened anyway. Thanks for what you did whatever kind of downvoting it was, I became even better than before, rivalry makes you grow if you can use it well. Everyone has a dark side. I'm just too passionate about the work I do. Nothing more. It can degenerate easily. I hate feeling misunderstood.
Keep it classy man. If you are nice to people, they will teach you things, if you blow up on them, it's hard to be friends. Deep breaths before we post.
I'm always passionate about succeeding, sometimes too much. That's the main thing that can drive me over the line. It doesn't have anything personal against anyone. I can even end up insulting myself in order to do things faster sometimes, if I see that I'm not efficient enough in what I do.
That's crazy but it happens. That night things escalated quickly, mainly because I was frustrated about the customer services I dealt with, who literally treat you like a bandit, filming you on cam and forcing you to take pics with your ID card... and then you come and say I'm doing that kind of stuff for fun. From that point everyone tried to have the last word and I don't even think anything else mattered, especially when you feel everything's happening the wrong way for you in the crazy marketplace. Again, I am driven by a unique thought that is the fact I no longer wanna depend on banks. As soon as possible. So walking on a razor-edge can get you nervous fast, especially when things don't go your way because of people and if at the same time people mock you. I explained it to you fully in another post just below that article you made about what happened that night.
I lost the ability to speak with you when you started editing all your comments so many times, like three times each comment... but we are building a bridge now.
I discovered blockchain or at the time, bitcoin in 2013, everyone said it was an awful idea, our parents, our friends, our teachers.
This is why we are defensive about being early adopters because it took us months to trust blockchain as well, but that was still years ago.. We had keep our coins through the great bitcoin depression between 2014-2017, then it shot up in price and everyone wants to buy in. Thus, making the network slower and more expensive to use.
I know this is because of that the network is slower and more expensive to use. If I edited my comments so many times, it is mainly because I was looking for the best way to end it and explain why I reacted like that in the first place, but it was already too late. That's true I can rapidly get on my nerves if someone puts in the last straw. I'm always playing with my limits in a way. Most of the time, I manage controlling them. I don't like talking about the past though. I don't regret not managing to get Bitcoin earlier. I was not such a computer passionate at the time, more a pure scientist who enjoyed physics without thinking about informatics more than as a means of calculation. Basically, I had no reason to think about it. I was working hard in internships and passionate about astrophysics.
But at a time I decided to turn my life around, doing more concrete things, things that could have a direct impact on the world, more technical things, I was sick of always staying in theory. And I didn't like the prospect of teaching always the same thing year after year to students after a thesis.
So since a few years back things have changed. I have mastered many programming languages, some computer science, ethical hacking (you never know what you gonna need, still learning) and studied seriously this new crypto world during a year. Initially, it was some interesting youtube channel talking about the darknet market and other funny alternate news that the traditional media hide from us that made me discover it, as the guy became enthusiast about cryptocurrencies too.
But maybe if I understood earlier I had to be independent from banks, I would have discovered the possibilities that Bitcoin could offer me earlier. Though now I'm looking at the future, not the past, knowing if you invest the right way inside the top 30 coins (diversifying your portfolio, putting your eggs where it can burst), you will end up (statistically) with some interesting gains, and even could end becoming a millionaire. I do it both for the passion of overrunning the old, obsolete "bank-system" and in order to fulfill my "self-sustainment", libertarian mentality.
Also for the fact I'm a technology enthusiast, in this world, you always gotta keep learning. So basically, thanks to Steem I converted, I made Ethereum in only 15 days after signing here. So I'm quite happy. As my main strategy is to keep it and put my gains inside other coins in order to generate more gains. That's why I was nervous about customer service on those sites. They could do things faster, that's all I was saying, even if it is a bit saturated as literally even the "average Joe" wants to join in the hype.
Maybe the only regret I could have is to have been so wary at the beginning, promising myself to enter the market only when I weigh all pros and cons, and there was work to be done, 2 years back from now, I studied and kept studying it when I had time. I looked for all the red flags saying which site could be a scam. Looked for all the Ponzi schemes, or sites vulnerable to hacking. And now I have a shortened list of the least vulnerable sites and the most interesting sites to both trade and deposit fiat money. So I have all the main cards to go and put my strategy into action (my strategy also took time to plan). But you gotta be patient with that type of customer service and all those verifications. That's literally months I've been doing that and testing many sites. And now I'm reaching the conclusion. If I knew it took so much time, I'd have gone on the sites just before, but again, I didn't know which were the better sites at the time. So all in all, you don't have to regret not getting something before, you have to look forward because there will always be more opportunities to make profit, all those altcoins are there to burst at a time. You just gotta seize the right opportunity. There are more than 1370 coins right now.
The main thing is when you know where you want to end up, whatever it is, I believe you quickly manage to get the different actions you have to do to achieve it. Like if I can't put in money into crypto right now because the sites are just saturated, I try to interact as much as possible on this site and put as much interesting posts, replies and comments in order to at least get steem and hold it, this is still interesting even if it is typically something oscillating between 5 and 15 dollars.
But anyway, you can still convert it when you want. And I guess the judicious strategy is to convert it on a high with a promising cryptocurrency which is on its low, that's the best way of trading I guess; but you gotta set up limits in order not to be waiting, freaking out and telling yourself "when should I buy" :D
I know you don't have to be too emotional in this market, but what disappoints me the most is the fact I was planning on buying Ethereum just after christmas and before new year, as I predicted there would be a main fall there, it happened.
But because of the sites that took even longer to verify me and are still processing (I will write an article about my awful experience with them so far, as the only site where I managed to sign up and be verified doesn't accept fast credit card, payment and as I don't wanna have to deal with my banks and eternal bureaucrats' queries...), I just wasn't able to put my strategy into action at the right moment. So basically this is the only thing that frustrates me. I could have got Ethereum when it was still at 700$ provided I didn't depend on Internet to get it. Where I am there are literally no physical distributors, there is the "house of bitcoin" in Paris, but the fees are very high and it doesn't provide ethereum yet.
Buying Bitcoin right now is just crazy. Some people are still doing it. Even if it gets to 80 000, it won't reach that in a year, and when it does reach it, you will only have a multiplication factor of 4, which is very low in that cryptoworld. I believe Bitcoin is just the "transition" currency which allowed this market to be actually created, but now Ethereum seems to be the future, with smart contracts, faster transactions, so a more complete way of doing it; Bitcion is the "good old" coin; it will stay up for a time, keep going up, but its destiny is to be replaced by something more efficient...anyway, nothing's lost, I guess Ethereum can't keep on going high.
There are always new opportunities to buy at a low I guess. In any case, most predictions are saying Ethereum will hit several thousand dollars next year. So it is an interesting coin to keep, whatever amount of it you have. Then there are also companies that literally pay you in cryptocurrencies if you want.
Ideal thing is working for an ICO that is likely to burst and pays you in Ethereum or whatever else that increases in time ; if you trust it, you can hold it for 1 or 2 years or even more :D
To sum it up, I totally trust this world, because people are just sick of banks, I mean generally. I don't see why this market would not replace banks at a time, so what I'm investing is really based on my trust. I don't believe any single second this market is not here to stay. This is the future of money for me. Technology replacing the oil companies and the banking directors. At last :D
It's great what you say about the communities, I've seen very simple post with more than a thousand votes and it's because they are a large community that votes against each other only to win. Personally I would not like that steemit would even resemble Facebook because I think this is something more intelligent, where people should publish something of public interest and well thought or good photographs and videos in order to be well evaluated.
Yes I see your point. I agree that we should not make Steemit a 2nd Facebook, that would be horrible. But maybe try to get inspired by some of its possibilities, not literally do the same of course, but do it in our own way, so that Steemit gets better than Facebook, this must be the goal. Of course if Steemit tries to copy Facebook, then it will only be considered as something second-hand.
That communitisation is something I have unfortunately observed since school. There are always groups forming inside a same class. You can't avoid it. They end up neglecting each other, and every group doing things they like together. That's a bit silly for me. But I know you can't always do everything with everyone, and especially laugh about everything with everyone ; no one has the same kind of humor, things like that, there is always a point where people choose their closest friends. But what I hate seeing is some group beginning to think they are the "most popular". I hate that type of reasoning. I always fled from those people who only seek popularity, and who need other people's appreciation in order to feel good. That's plain nonsense. Unfortunately, as we said, on Steemit there can be that type of things. It can't be regulated, anyway, I don't want some police-thing like there are just too many policies and safety measures on Facebook.
That's mainly because of that I joined Steemit, in order to feel more freedom. But still, people should think about what they want out of it, as you say, it's a pity people do "influential wars" for upvotes. This is just counter-productive if we want Steemit, and eventually Steem and SBD, to grow up in time and overrun Facebook and other mainstream sites. If Steem and SBD keep oscillating and stay under 20 dollars, the reason could probably be the fact it is not yet completely united in order to act as a whole and get stronger than Facebook for example. People should post to improve knowledge or entertain, not for anything else, the creation of content in itself and the accumulation of virtual money is not a purpose, because if it was so, it would definitely be nothing better than the obsolete bank-system we're trying to overrun, with only corruption, influential wars and things like that.
I understand your concern my friend, I hope that Steemit does not become a network to criticize or make fun of each other as it is Facebook. Must be to make publications of interest, of course we all do not have the same ineterés but for that is the distribution by trends.
yes that's the main point, I hope it keeps on being like that, I just hate Facebook for this reason, I mean sometimes you can joke, but most people out there seem to be either constantly retarded or constantly drunk / on drugs ; I guess that's what capitalism is all about
Thanks, stay tuned, next post is about my experience of sites linked with cryptocurrencies, I have many things to say about it too : Coinbase being a joke, Bitconnect being a Ponzi scheme, things like that. And the most trustful sites as well.