Yesterday, one of our users..
in his first comment to one of my posts, wrote:
You didn't vote on my answer and voted with 20% in dlina's answer. Could you explain why you not voting is justified and not a case of scam? Also, I regularly communicate with steemcleaners admins.
and in his second comment, wrote:
And then, you tried to bury your scam by claiming you voted on my post with 10% but actually you voted on it after receiving my comment. You are now a proven Fraud, a Scammer. I am reporting you for fraud/scam to @steemcleaners admin
I wrote this post just to ask you..
What you think is good to do regarding this user:
- Nothing..
- Flag one of his post or more..
- Flag his comment if he do..

Feel free to leave your comment..
You speak and I will listen..
Be sure that I will take your advice in consideration..
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Every steemain, left a comment..
His comment was upvoted by..
Wish all of you happy weekend.. The Scammer @lordoftruth..
What was the reason for such comment? Did you run an SBD Contest or the person is just another demon monkey trying to sTeal some banana 🍌
He want to get rich soon..haha
He try to forced to upvote him.. hahah
I think he's confused. He needs to know how the system works.
I think he's one of those guys that didn't read the getting started guide after registration
Oh, just let him be! Tell him that you can do with your steem power whatever you want. That person is probably and idiot, he can't tell you what to upvote and call you scam because of that! Steemcleaners have nothing to do with that
Yeah you are a scammer, we knew it all along hahaha...
I have seen everything in this space and nothing surprises me anymore. I wish there was a block-function to get rid of stupidity.
You can actually mute people, so you don't see their posts anymore, but I think they still can comment...
It doesn't work very well. It just grays out the asshole's posts. Like a visual reminder that it's not important.
well, at least it's something... ;-)
Not good enough.
Seems there are some new people here expecting or demanding upvotes, been talking to another person here today that has experienced a newbie demanding upvotes. If you go all out on flagging you're accused of bullying and it's, to be honest, a waste of your time and energy so just mute them and let them lose out on any possibility of your upvote in the future.
Hah, wow... That sounds simply brazenly. I also had some hysterical conversations like that, when people were blaming me that "I'm your follower, and you don't vote for me!", but nothing like this.
Btw I also regularly upvote posts of people who comment on my posts, and see nothing shameful in it... Of course if it's not "Nice art, keep it up" comment, cause in that case I'm ready to kill:)
ahahahhaaha a scammer that help us make money. :D :D
Just keep steem on, do nothing for him. Maybe he is a newbie who do not know much about steemit. If he is annoying you after this incident you can flag him. Peace :)
Flag them then kill them. There is no other viable option
lordoftruth, the timing of all actions is on the blockchain. I wouldn't worry. He isn't dangerous, just a minnow who types faster than he thinks.
I have ignored some..told some the right way on doing things. I prefer the latter then ignore if they become so annoying.
They can report anything and am sure the @steemcleaners will want justification of such reports.
You're free to do with your votes what u want.
Maybe I didnt get the whole idea of the steemit community but I personally think that votes should go on good content and things u like or you're interested in.
Thanks J
Just before i saw this post i was just coming from one of @mitchelle.gent post , were talked of how she had just flagged a newbie that had demanded she upvotes all his posts by force, flagged him till a rep of 9,, so when someone from nowhere trys to make a big deal from small things, he should get what he deserves,,, flag him if he does
Thanks for the mention <3
I was so worried that I'd come across as looking like a bully - undoing all the work I've put in to helping minnows to get ahead on Steemit. I'm relieved you think it doesn't seem to be like that (that's at least one, thee and me).
Why are you entitled to vote on anyone's post or comment first of all???¿¿¿
Fuck him hahaha
Sorry, bad wording :DDD
I meant why are you compelled to do so... It's your choice and only yours who you vote...
no one can force you to vote, it is up to you.. Please ignore him,
if he/she become a trouble to you flag him. But first give him/her to time to learn.
Ha ha ha Where does this idea come from?
100% like and resteem
Provide us with that garbage's name.
If you haven't told him, tell him what will happen to him if he doesn't correct his tone and demand an apology.
If he didn't, kick him to the curb and let him learn his place.
Edit: looks like "kick him to the curb"means something softer than I thought ^_^,
I correct myself: let him feel your boot deep inside :D
MUTE Button! !! Do not pay attention and do not waste your precious time on this)))
Haha.. That was funny really. Another case of "come for the reward, stay for the community" misinterpreted the minnow. The guy obviously thought the kingdom of steemit suffereth violence and only the violent taketh it by force (lol). Just ignore him, bro. If he persists. Do the needful.
Oh dear, how frustrating. U could answer in any number of ways!
I think a bit of cool educating, and perhaps a little anarcho preaching, and finally a link or two to some useful posts. Either that or just keep it real simple and say;
"Free will buddy, free will!"
"To like or not to like, that is my choice in this free world"
"There is ignorance, and then there is ignorant ignorence"
Maybe one of them will do the job! I have a feeling the steemcleaners will chukle at this one!.. FLAG lordoftruth for not upvoting a pleading, accusing minnow! Lol
@lordoftruth - This scammer helps me make more money by his wonderful works. Love it scammer <3 :*
+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]
Do nothing, just ignore him and give him more time. He will come around and if he doesn't, use the mute button
I am the "Dangerous Minnow" he is referring to. I left this message in one of your posts.
I left that message because you weren't attributing the images to their rightful sources. Please, refrain from doing that.
MUTE Button!
MinnowsPower listed your post "Warning / We Have a Dangerous Minnow / Your Advice Is Needed" as one of the top 5 upvoted and commented posts of the day...!!! @lordoftruth
He is doing an unethical thing. Therefore, flag him, mute him and call "steemcleaners" to check his posts. Very useful information...!!!
100% Upvoted by @MinnowsPower
MinnowsPower is not a bot, I am a Crowdfunding Hybrid
One small UpVote of Yours build MinnowsPower and MinnowsPower will Not Forget Your Support...!!!
What unethical things am I doing?
Actually, that is just sad, what that person says there... I don't feel any pity whatsoever, but this person will not make lots of followers this way, and sure as hell not much upvotes... So actually, this will solve its self...
Poor guy. Because of such types there should be a “sorrow” button.
I am the "Dangerous Minnow" he is referring to. And I am not a "poor guy" either. Please make your judgement based on facts, not based on, what you heard from him.
Do not waste your precious time with people like him. Not worth it. Not obligated to upvote him, its yours to do what you like with it. Peace to you.
You are free to do with your vote as you see fit! Trying to force you to vote for someone is against everything this this platform is set up for. You reward good comments with an upvote. Just ignore him! He is a waste of time....
I comment 50+ times a day and upvote much less than 20 times a day. I have my own rules for what I upvote and don't feel like I need to justify my habits. but this is what I do what anyone asks me why I did not upvote something (rare, thankfully).
If I comment on a minnow post without upvoting, I will tell them in my comment that I do not have the power available right now. If the same thing happens on a big fish post, I do not mention the non-voting. I know some minnows obsesively scan their votes recieved, so I try to cut them off at the pass with my original comment.
But if someone asks me why I did not vote for any post or comment, I will tell them something like this:
"I had low power when I was on your post and could not vote. I make a lot of comments each day and I cannot upvote everything I run into. According to the reports I get from penguinpablo, the average steemit post gets less than three comments and a good portion of those are bot comments. Comments and engagement are low here unfortunately, so I spend my steemit time on commenting for the most part. As you know - upvotes on a minnow post are hard to come by, so I do much more commenting than posting."
I find I do not usually need to make this explanation, but I have it ready for when needed :)
MUTE Button! !! Do not pay attention and do not waste your precious time on this)))
The problem with flagging someone here on steemit is you get flagged back. And if the person flagging you have a strong account balance then you are nearly doom.
I think you should do nothing for now but when he keeps threatening then you can flag him/her
I don't think so. That's why we have steemcleaners community standards.
Ah, that speechless feeling. In regard to choice of options- I'd "do nothing" (and say nothing). I'd say... your work is already done. Other words- you are setting the example by asking for help. Let's hope, for their own benefit, that this person takes the advice.
Nice fish..........
I would flag him , it s not like he doesn t know how steemit works , I think he just trys to scare people so they upvote him.
Have you looked at his profile , and checked if he is doing that on others too ?
amigo #resteemia at your service
'UpVoted ReSteemed Commented'
Nothing....Move on and ignore it. I would really hate steemit become like Twitter, where people go on collectivist crusades against people who say things they don't like.
Oh The real question ? @lordoftruth
what your point of view !!
That is all
That guy is high on weed for sure. May his soul rest in peace,haha
Just ignore him friend :D If he need to talk or threat you again, tell him to send it as a 0.001 SBD spam message :D@lordoftruth,
I am the Dangerous Minnow he is referring to. Why did you first bulk downvote my posts and then withdraw those downvotes may I know?
If someone made a mistake, he needs another chance to correct it! That's what I am believing!@littleboy,
That's also what I believe. That's why I didn't report your spam message. The issue he has mentioned is under investigation about whether it violates community standards or not. I wanted to tell you that before you take sides.
@littleboy, You made a mistake by flagging my comment of answer! So, you made the mistake and I had nothing against you until you take that action! Anyway @lordoftruth - I respect so, if something goes against him, he had my 100% support! Nice to have a chat with you in a comment section of some person! After all I think you are a nice person and nice to meet you!
I flagged your comment because it violated community standards.
How :O@littleboy,
Thieves think everybody steal.
what is that fish name ... ???
My friends
No name for now
ha ha.
if in my country this landok fish name.
please visit to my blog and comment if there is any error
and what is my fault ... ??
I reported you for comment spam.
and what is my fault ... ??
Do you think flagging my comments was the right thing to do? Even after you got a warning from steemcleaners?
He is invited to the flagging party.
I am him. If you fell that I am the one at fault, please report me to steemcleaners. I have already discussed about the issue with steemcleaners admin logic. He has referred me to patrice. The issue is under investigation. Who is at fault here will be determined soon.
Cool post I really like your post and I always follow your post, I often share your post with other friends so the brand can learn from you to generate posts like you and do not forget also share and apvop my posting, hopefully you always succeed
This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond
hahah its your vote you decide :D
That sucks people out there can just be morons. Hope that scammer doesnt show up again!
Valuable post.
Up-voted, resteemed and followed.Dear @lordoftruth
No one will dictate anyone what to do and what is not here.
A very excellent poster made a great choice