I am so impressed by your honesty, it is marvelous. Thank you for saying what is true- and more importantly, thank you for being absolute in your advice.
⭐️ I also appreciate the fact that you have shown us your reaction to the early “slow-start”.
⭐️What’s interesting about your display of $0.00 payouts from the past isn’t that you experieced then. We all experience those. ✨What IS great about your confession is that where most people would normally jump off and try a new path (because they would consider such strike outs to be failure) you opted for the more difficult path. “The hard way” is continuing to persist at the task in front of you, even in the face of what appears to be rejection.
Rejection is the most common reason people accept “failure” before they give up altogether.
✨You✨ are a stunning example of what happens if you continue, persistently at a goal until it finally skyrockets from a sprout and into a tree of amazing girth and strength. Did that last part sound naughtier than intended? I am going to go with it. Lol.
My name is Lori by the way. I will be watching your posts, for sure! Great stuff. 👣
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thank you for your very kind comment @lorilikes, you also make many great points that may not be quite as obvious upon first glance. It really is about persistence and not giving up, and constantly striving to improve, figuring out what you can do better. In fact, I also spent the first half a year doing more "lurking" and "listening" and "absorbing", to better understand the community and it's "internal dynamics".
And naughty's good, always go with naughty over "nice"! lol :)
Note enthusiastically taken. I shall recall this tidbit of advice every time I am torn on whether or not to tap/click that post button; which perfectly leads to my next topic- also stemming from your last reply.
I am compelled to point out that you misspelled my username. I was not going to even mention it, however, I figured I must speak up.
My logic might amuse you here. Here it is:
There is a fairly good chance that you might want to keep up to date on what I am up to, and just in case you wanted to check my profile, and just in case you might happen to click on the misspelled version of my username (as used in your comment) rather than clicking on my name, I just want to be certain you are looking at the correct user- so as not to deprive you of the future joy and delight you might gain by seeing my unpredicatble posts. If you are reading this it means that I did not chicken out. Gold star for me for courage! Oh - and it is @Lorilikes. Lori does lie occasionally, but never does she lie about her username. Cheers! Thanks for actually reading this comment to the end. Ha ha !
I tend to be rather meticulous, but every now and then something inevitably slips through... regardless, duly noted and corrected! lol :)