If you want to read Part 1 before you get started with today's submission click HERE. Here is PART 2. Actually, I recommend you read ALL parts.
Here we go again, continuing with number 7:
#7. Fear of Yard Art and Self Expression

Art is a form of self expression thus supporting emotional well being. The American Journal of Public Health carries an article by Dr. Heather Stuckey and Dr. Jeremy Nobel titled "The Connection Between Art, Healing, and Public Health" which demonstrates that engaging in expression of the self and emotions shifts a person's mood to a more positive state. That being said, the property is certainly a reflection of the creative souls which inhabit it.

Upon exiting that fateful day a SWAT team member handed one of our leaders a stack of citations for frivolous things like grass over twelve inches long and sunflowers that are offensively tall. Frivolous things like a piano we use during our fund raiser parties, extension cords, a couch, a piece of siding that blew off during the recent storm lying in the yard are a sample of what the peaceful community was cited for. Today the tickets continue to linger around the courtroom racket. The raid itself cost tax payers over $350,000.00. This does not include the huge expense the city is now encumbering because of the law suit that our community has filed on the City of Arlington Texas.

If sunflowers and pianos are dangerous forms of beauty to a person with a gun then that person will most certainly be afraid of a two week old baby. Personally, I believe, a person of this type of ethics has no business with a gun.
Yes, this expensive raid resulted in frivolous tickets. We learned that organic food is threatening in Part 2 and in Part 3 we learned that self expression on private property is not to be tolerated and it's worth using guerrilla warfare tactics to enforce it. Catch part 4 tomorrow. The fun has only just begun.
We are definitely a artful group--extremely creative, out-of-the-box thinkers, questioning everything and expressing from our hearts. That is REALLY something to be afraid of.
It sounds crazy that they are afraid of flowers and yard art but as ridiculous as it sounds it's true. If we all express ourselves, the freedom will result in chaos. The fear will suppress us from ever knowing for sure.
this is great!