I've thought you've checked my blog about this
Also here is the link where people can invest/trade their #lnbt tokens.
It started already to become a proposal among musicoin artists to implement my #lnbt as a form of payment for recordings/rehearsal sessions inside some of their studios and first of them who came with the idea is @recording-box
I think this will grow very organic day by day.
Feel free and spread the nooze and this link https://steem-engine.com/?p=market&t=LNBT
Soon as i 'll have more steem and i can invest from my #lnbt i'll delegate steempower for you.
I think even through that i'll be able to support @project.hope and @hope.venezula and other accounts inside the ecosystem of steemit.
Hope this find you well and you'll agree with me about my concept.
Regards @crypto.piotr