ChatSim: International sim card for chat apps

in #steemit8 years ago

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****What’s ChatSim?****

ChatSim is the world’s first SIM card that lets you connect your ChatApps wherever you are. For just $15 a year you can send unlimited text messages and emoji with WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, LINE, Telegram and many other Instant Messaging apps. Thanks, you can now keep in touch with family, friends, and colleagues. Plus another 3 billion people around the world.



  • Chat with your friends wherever you are: insert the sim in your smartphone and send unlimited messages with your favorite apps, like WhatsApp and Messenger.
  • If you are traveling around the world, you’ll never have to worry again about roaming costs. Live every moment to the fullest and exchange unlimited text messages and emoji with everyone.
  • ChatSim cuts unwanted data traffic by 90% and guarantees extraordinary speed on 3G and 4G networks because it always connects to the operator with the best coverage.
  • You won’t lose your number with WhatsApp, Telegram, WeChat or any other chat app. Message with whoever you want without any worries: ChatSim takes care everything.
  • It works only with your personal account already registered.
  • ChatSim is designed not just for travelers: it is really useful in countless situations. Purchase the Sim and start chatting.
  • More than 250 operators in over 160 countries: ChatSim’s coverage is perfect for traveling. Choose now the credit pack that best suits your needs.
  • ChatSim is All-In-One: it comes in micro, nano or standard size. This way you won’t have to worry to find the right one for your smartphone.
  • ChatSim connects all your Chat Apps around the world.
  • You can chat free and without any limits with WhatsApp, Messenger, WeChat, LINE, QQ and all other instant messaging Apps.


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That's really great man. Keep going!