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RE: ...

in #steemit5 years ago

bringing light to the nature of Steem's governance models and foundational philosophies & values of the community.

DPOS is an oligarchical stucture.
It will always lead topowerplays of this sort.

The witnesses were naive to start to this action. Justin reacted. (overreacted imo)

As long as DPOS is the system, is will be a continual recycling of the same dynamics.
It's inevitable. Unfortunately.

I've been saying this for years, with replies of 'code is law' or 'if you don't like it, leave', etc.
For steem to function as a social media platform that is decentralized and meritocratic , the foundations need to be altered.
A good start is to make it more 'human' (a capthca system to upvote or downvote for example)

As Einstein said, 'the definition of insanity is....'