Super insightful video about our missile defense system located in Hawaii. The official name of the facility is the Pacific Missile Range Facility in Kekaha-Waimea, Hawaii. If you are at all interested in this, head over to Google Maps and type in that name and zoom in, quite fascinating to see the facility, with pictures updated this year for relevance. Heres a snapshot of it for you to get a glimpse...
The gist of the video is an outline of how North Korea went from a starving nation of Communist thugs to now officially being within range of US targets with their ICBM's. The globalist Clinton's sold us out to countries across the globe who would like nothing else but to wage war and get revenge on American way of life and values.
The MSM is attempting to lie to us again that Trump is to blame for this impending catastrophe. On the contrary, he is our only ally in our fight against the NWO and its horrific global agenda. Watch this video for more information.
the whole north korea bullshit is unreasonable.. they can't even finish a hotel in 40 years... so they cannot build rockets either... it's a lie again.. all lies
Tell that to SK and Japan who are faced with annihilation
it has been debunked by credible sources aka professors in rocket science etc... north korea aswel as Iran and venezuela are long on the agenda of the CIA it's no secret check wikileaks or something but once again we get fooled... or a t least the gross of the people... and markt my word.. in the west it first begins with showing negative and agressive videos of protests daily... getting worse and worse untill usa goes to military action and we all just agree to do it.. its the same pattern as lybia iraq syria etc. with 1 trillion invested in military vs. a bankrupted country as north korea who live in the 30s still.. they have not a single chance.. ever to hit even a target on near the boarder.. 1 trillion in militairy defenses vs the 30s.. who would win in less than a day you think ;) i think it's just rational thinking and connecting facts... but we get lied to Again unfortunately
Bush was in power when North Korea began building weapons.
But nice try.
They began building weapons after receiving years of support from Clinton, manifested in the Agreed Framework deal. This culminated in the acquisition of necessary tools to create nuclear capabilities. The objective of the agreement was the freezing and replacement of North Korea's indigenous nuclear power plant program with more nuclear proliferation resistant light water reactor power plants, and the step-by-step normalization of relations between the U.S. and the North Korea.
They only reached levels of moderate success during the Bush administration after 7 years of research.
But nice try.