Free-Masonry A Growing Web Of Infestion In America: Free-Mason US Presidents

in #steemit7 years ago

This is a good documentary outlining the connections between the majority of US presidents who have taken office since 1776 and the forming of our nation. Most recently, Barack Obama has been the latest free mason president to defile our nation and drag us further into chaos and an impending maelstrom of destruction on a cultural, social, and intellectual level. This is most commonly and starkly played out by Leftists and other social justice warrior groups that are made up of mindless zombies who are attempting to revamp out nation's values. Trump has been the one breather we desperately need in an ongoing war that is raging against the conservative side and the devil-worshipping, liberal rabble of the Left.

Great watch. Enjoy!


Good post and vid, saw it before. We're on the precipice imo. Upvoted.